Marc André ter Stegen en Balaídos


Ter Stegen won his first Zamora and touched two historical records

Published:5/06/2023 - 01:29h

Updated:5/06/2023 - 01:29h

Despite the fact that his intention was to become the Zamora with the fewest goals scored in history and with the most goals to zero, Marc-André ter Stegen is celebrating after becoming the goalkeeper with the fewest goals scored in LaLiga in the 2022-2023 season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Marc-André ter Stegen has been one of the big protagonists of the season of the FC Barcelona and responsible maximum of the defensive solidity in LaLiga Santander, competition in which the Barcelona fit only 20 goals in the 38 days contested and that cost them to do with the trophy for the first time in four years.

For the guardameta German has been a special season, place recovered his more decisive version that has carried him to colarse between the best of the world again. Him 'it served' to win the Trophy Zamora for the first time since it arrived to the City Condal in 2015, brushing two historical records of LaLiga. It closes with brooch of gold and with the security that it was one of the key players of the season, although it have not surpassed the registers.

Ter Stegen, the Zamora of the 2022-2023

Ter Stegen Fit only 18 goals in the course, numbers of records for a Barcelona group that in the last years had characterised for committing a lot of errors to defensive level that finish him penalising. In this opportunity, however, the German knew to impose and, if it had not played in Balaídos, would have written his name in the books of history like the Zamora with the best average of all the history.

With the victory and goal to zero in front of the Mallorca of the past week, the Teutonic had an average of 0,472 goals received, inferior to the that had registered Paco Liaño and Jan Oblak (0,473) in the 1993-1994 and 2015-2016, respectively. Had the record to shot, but risked to play in Balaídos to try add his twentieth seventh goal to zero in a season, something that any guardameta had achieved in the history.

In Balaídos Ter Stegen lost the record

With the goal of Gabri Veiga to the 42 minutes of party, Ter Stegen lost the possibility to equalise the two above-mentioned records, put his average of goals fit remained in 0,468 goals by party. It fit 18 in total, the same that Liaño and Oblak in his moment. It remained penalised by his replacement in Pucela before the minute 60, place added a party less than his two rivals, to the no contabilizarse his participation (himself the goals) for the Zamora.

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