The Athletic imposed  to the Huesca


The Athletic golea to the Huesca (0-3) to put pressure to the Barcelona

Published:19/01/2019 - 20:52h

Updated:19/01/2019 - 21:11h

The Athletic of Madrid could surpass without too many complications to the Huesca for recortar three points to the FC Barcelona, that will have to win if it wants to keep his advantage of five points. Lucas,  Arias and Koke were the authors of the goals

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Athletic of Madrid did not fail in The Alcoraz and finish goleando to the Huesca in the first party of the second turn of LaLiga for the picture 'colchonero'. The team oscense gave the face and put in problems to the athletic in several occasions of the meeting, but the gunpowder on top of the ones of Diego Pablo Simeone finish decanting the scales.

In the first compasses of the party, the Huesca played of you to you and generated occasions near of the area rojiblanca. Nevertheless, the Madrilenian group had in the goal to this angel saviour that is used to to appear in all the parties: Jan Oblak. The cancerbero esloveno made good interventions to save to his team, in addition to having the crossbar like big ally.

The Athletic of Madrid is of those teams that, if you forgive him, is able to bite you the yugular, and this went precisely what occurred. Happened the half hour of game, Koke confined in the area of the Huesca to put a past centre that would arrive to the boots of Lucas Hernández. The French defence, to pleasure, finished to put the first goal rojiblanco.

The second goal of the Athletic of Madrid, that would give tranquility to the Madrilenian, arrived in the minute 52. Antoine Griezmann took the ball on line of three chambers and put a centre to the area from the left so that Arias premièred like goleador with the T-shirt 'colchonera'. A so much that would finish with the illusions oscenses.

The third goal arrived in the 71 and went back to have protagonists very similar to the ones of the others two so many. Lucas Hernáncez put a centre measured to the interior of the area and Griezmann cabeceó to the crossbar. It was then when it would appear Koke, to collect the refuse and launch with everything to by the third goal of the team of Simeone, closing the marker with the 3-0 definite.

The Athletic of Madrid puts pressure to the Barcelona

The FC Barcelona will not be able to despistarse in front of the Leganés, since the Athletic has reduced the distance with regard to the Barcelona to two points. The group of Ernesto Valverde is forced to win in front of the picture 'pepinero' to keep the five points of advantage that had in the start of the day. The Real Madrid also has planted to seven.

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