Previa del FC Barcelona vs Granada CF


Barça is 'playing' to stay 'alive' in LaLiga against a Granada in relegation

Published:10/02/2024 - 21:55h

Updated:10/02/2024 - 21:55h

FC Barcelona is aware that the options of staying alive in LaLiga involve winning all the games that remain ahead. They have the option of 'getting closer' to Girona in the classification

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona knows that the options to win LaLiga are reduced, but that are forced to win it everything to follow 'alive' in the championship. To be able to 'snatch him' a title that every time seems more than the Real Madrid, the ones of Xavi Hernández have to win the 15 parties that remain for contesting, including the clash against the White House, the Athletic of Madrid and the Girona, trusting that the madridistas lose three parties.

The reality is 'hard' for a Barça that did not do the works in the first turn of the championship and that finds forced to not stepping in false. It would be a shot in the foot. The history begins this Sunday, against the Granada CF in the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Compannys from the 21:00 hours (9:00 PM CET), in a party in which it can not fail although it was one of the teams that are in positions of descent.

The Granada knows incomodar to the Barça

The Granada is a group that knows to put in aprietos to the Catalans and that already hurt them in the first turn with a tie that 'condemned' a lot to the ones of Xavi. Bryan Saragossa (now in the Bayern of Munich) had annotated a doublet in half hour and the Barça had to go in tow to take out a point that was insufficient. The nazaríes, needed of points, can be a quebradero of head if the culés desconcentran.

The ones of Alexander Medina come of empatar against the UD The Palms, by 1-1. Bruno Méndez had opened the marker before the rest, but Pejiño signed the tables in the 68'. As it recognised Xavi in the previous, from the change of trainer has noticed an important change of dynamics in the team although the results are not accompanying to the team. The visit to Montjuïc supposes a maximum challenge and an opportunity of gold to step forward, especially because they could close the day to 3 points of the second square.

'Extramotivación' Of the Barça in front of the Granada

The Barça arrives, by this reason, extramotivado to the hurt suspender belt. They are conscious that it supposes a scalar need positions in the classification (in the research to obtain the pass to the Supercopa of Spain of the next year) and that it can be a hit of a team that is in full change of dynamics. They add two victories followed, in front of Osasuna and Sportive Alavés, and a third can strengthen more to the team, especially by the feelings.

In the crash in Mendizorroza the Barcelona lived important changes that derived in a mejoría remarkable of the provision of the team. Andreas Christensen advanced his position to play like pivote and allowed that Gündogan and Pedri advanced some metres and could be more involved in the attack. The midfield player Teutonic finish with assistance and goal, with the feeling that the area was more 'resupplied' and that Lewandowski could be more participatory.

Novelties and few changes in the XI of the Barça

It was a significant change, but remains to expect how will be his continuity. For this party, the trainer egarense has recovered two key pieces: Marc-André ter Stegen and Raphinha. The guardameta will see action for the first time from 12 November, after going through the operating theatre to treat some lumbar problems. It carries more than a week training with the rest of his mates and part with all the ballots to be headline, whereas the Brazilian extreme had fallen lesionado in the 'semis' of the Supercopa and already is to 100%.

With the novelty of Ter Stegen, everything seems to indicate to that there will be a lot of changes in the XI of the Barça. In the defence will keep the same pieces, with Koundé and Cancel in the sides, beside the couple of head offices of Araújo and Cubarsí -Iñigo Martínez would remain like option from the bench-, whereas in the centre of the field will joint Christensen, Of Jong, Gündogan and Pedri. Up, and in spite of the turn of Raphinha, will keep Robert Lewandowski and Lamine Yamal.

Xavi 'ask' follow the good series

In the previous of the clash, Xavi recognised that it will not be an easy party in front of the Granada: "it Does some days changed of trainer. With Medina have improved in defensive subject, of aggressiveness of duels. We imagine a party with the defensive Granada, difficult to generate, with a needy rival. There have been parties that have deserved much more. We need the heat of the fans to follow with this mini series of positive results".

Technical index card of the party: FC Barcelona vs Granada Cf

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