Lewandowski in a training session


The mechanisms of the new Sports Law to appeal sanctions

Published:3/01/2023 - 15:30h

Updated:3/01/2023 - 15:30h

The Administrative Court of Sports will disappear in the coming months after the entry into force of the new Sports Law. The new text establishes a new instance for the resolution of conflicts

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Administrative Court of the Sport (TAD), organism in front of which the FC Barcelona had tried to resort the sanction of three parties on Robert Lewandowski after the occurred in the meeting in front of Osasuna, no longer will exist with the approval of the new Law of the Sport, by what the instances to appeal this type of disciplinary measures will be others in function of the new mechanisms that will have the legal text.

Of this way, the procedure to resort sanctions, first in front of the Committee of Appeals of the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF) and later in front of the TAD to finish attending in front of the ordinary justice, will suffer important changes, by what in case that a club require to carry out this procedure will not be possible to follow the same steps that the Barça has given to attend the 'case Lewandowski'.

It expects that in the first months of the years 2023 the TAD was dissolved and replaced by a referee's court of private character, volunteer and of payment, in accordance with the established in the article 119 of the new juridical frame of the sport in Spain. This mechanism will be implementing in the next months and will be another opcióm by means of which will be able to resort some type of disciplinary measure for any one of the clubs.

What stipulates the new Law of the Sport?

The legal text, that already has been approved and promulgado, in the article mentioned leaves clear the mechanisms to carry out this type of procedures, substituting one of the three instances: "The Spanish sportive federations and the professional leagues will have to establish in his statutes or regulations, or by means of agreements of the general assembly, a common system of character extrajudicial of solution of conflicts".

Likewise, it establishes the requests for this option that will replace to the TAD: "The Upper Council of Sports, in accordance with the established in the point af) of the article 14, will establish in accordance with the regulations the requirements of said system, that will have to have the suitable advertising of his content. Will have anyway voluntary and free character for the sporty people, that will have to manifest his acceptance expresses".

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