Sandro Ramírez, celebrating a marked goal with the Málaga


The message on the Málaga-Madrid that has irritated to Sandro

Published:24/05/2017 - 21:53h

Updated:24/05/2017 - 22:04h

The Canarian attacker of the Málaga CF, Sandro Ramírez, has published a message in the social networks with which has condemned a text that did viral in the last hours, published from an account that ensured to be property of Sandro

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The ex player of the FC Barcelona and forward of the Málaga CF, Sandro Ramírez, has expressed his indignation through the social networks by a text that published in Twitter in the last hours from an account that preached to be the official of Sandro, and that looked for to seed the controversy in reference to a possible alter of the Málaga-Real Madrid of the last day of League Santander 2016-17.

"I go me of the Málaga the season that comes. It is a shame what has asked us the president a day before the party against the Real Madrid, that left us win. Several players accepted and another part do not accept".

"As they could see in the party, some did all the effort to win him to the Madrid and could see clearly that the another splits was not giving 100%. They wanted to that win the Madrid, have attained it. -SANDRO", could read in the publication in question.

Sandro Ramírez, outraged with the publication

Sandro Ramírez has showed outraged with the text, so it has published it in Twitter beside a message in which it expresses his indignation by the occurred. "A shame is to invent something like this to litter to the @MalagaCF and to my person. Totally false!".

We remember that during the Málaga-Real Madrid gave a played really controversial, when the defender Mikel Villanueva left to happen surprisingly a balloon that arrived to the boots of Cristiano Ronaldo, although it knew perfectly that the luso found just behind his. An action that has raised suspicions, and of which has taken advantage of the post false in question.

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