The ones of luis enrique need a victory to litigate with the real madrid

The possible alignments of the FC Barcelona-Córdoba (League BBVA J16)

The possible alignments of the FC Barcelona-Córdoba (League BBVA J16)

Published:19/12/2014 - 18:32h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

So much the players of the FC Barcelona like Luis Enrique are conscious that it does lacking to close 2014 with a new triumph that do not do to diminish the illusion of the barcelonismo. The Barça will need to win to the Córdoba to follow struggling by the League BBVA
If they wish to reach some day the leadership in the present League BBVA, the ones of Luis Enrique will not be able to leave any point this next Saturday in the Camp Nou against the Córdoba. It is necessary a victory to continue pursuing to the Real Madrid -that already is to four points-, and even more to recover the good feelings in the domestic competition after having empatado the past week in the Coliseum Alfonso Pérez against the Getafe of incomprehensible form.

Messi, Luis Suárez and possibly Neymar return to the titularity against the Córdoba, an affordable rival that, although it can sell face the defeat, does not foresee that it cause too many problems in the case that the Barcelona players jump enchufados to the terrain of game. They will return the "headlines" to exception of Dani Alves, the one who probably lose by injury the meeting. Neymar, besides, is doubt by his recent annoyances in the ankle but is very likely that go out to title in the case that it already was entirely recovered.

Claudio Bravo

The Chilean will go back to be one of the fixed of Luis Enrique in League against the Córdoba. Against the Getafe did not receive any goal in spite of the tie of the FC Barcelona and, with patience, the experienced guardameta is showing to be a goalkeeper more than solvent for the goal culé. It will try not receiving any goal in front of the Andalusian group, of the same way that achieved it with brilliant interventions in front of Valencia and a magistral in front of the Getafe diverting a powerful shot of Lafita.


Dani Alves Finished with annoyances the party in front of the Getafe and suffers an elongación in the biceps femoral of the left leg, what does difficult his presence against the Córdoba. Adriano will be probably the one who occupy his place, accompanied by a saga formed by Gerard Hammered and Jeremy Mathieu, that did not play the turn of Glass of the King against the Huesca. Jordi Alba, besides, will return to the latera left Barcelona.


Iniesta played to title against the Huesca and is fully recovered of the injury, but foresees that Luis Enrique give him rest to the detriment of Xavi Hernández. In the zone of pivote, Busquets will look for to continue with the improvement of game of the last meetings and Rakitic could be the elected to complete the centre of the field. The Croat starred a good start of season and seems to be recovering the good level after a "pothole" of performance.


The "offensive" trident headline of the FC Barcelona probably go out you to the terrain of game also against the Córdoba. The only doubt is if Neymar will be recovered to the one hundred by one hundred of his annoyances taking into account that during the last trainings has been exercising to the margin of the group. Regarding Messi and Luis Suárez, will not be missing to the appointment. An inducement will be to see if the Uruguayan achieves finally mark his first goal in League BBVA.

Possible alignments of the FC Barcelona-Córdoba:

FC Barcelona: Bravo; Adriano, Hammered, Mathieu, Jordi Alba; Busquets, Xavi, Rakitic; Messi, Neymar and Luis Suárez.

Córdoba: (In brief).

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