joan laporta florentino


The president of Celta leaves Barça and Madrid as selfish

Published:1/12/2022 - 20:49h

Updated:1/12/2022 - 20:49h

The Spanish football convulsionó this Wednesday with the refusal of the FC Barcelona and of the Real Madrid to assist to the next General Assembly of LaLiga, something that has followed generated reactions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After so much the FC Barcelona like the Real Madrid announced that they will not attend to the Extraordinary General Assembly of LaLiga in Dubai, that will celebrate on 7 December, follow producing different reactions to that "no" of Barcelona and madridistas. In concrete, now has arrived the reaction of Carlos Mouriño, president of the Celtic of Vigo.

"The Madrid and the Barça see his interests, no the ones of LaLiga. We here go to defend what we think that is the best. Always it says that when a so big majority of clubs support something, is because we think that have the reason", said the president of the Galician club. These statements arrived in the middle of the Board of the club.

Mouriño Explained that "if they do not want to go are in his right, but those that go have the sufficient faculty and the sufficient power as to approve the statutes that are proposing ", underlined. Finally it commented that the Celtic can not "compare" neither "think" like the big of the Spanish football, to which asked "that they do not force us to think as they want to they that think".

Asked on the situation of the team this season and the arrival of Carlos Carvalhal to the bench, commented that "it is not the first time that the Celtic is in a similar situation and has had to litigate. This time, do not know if it is thing of the age, is when I find me calmer. I am not at all concerned. Have good team. We go to grow and do not go to have difficulties", declared in the board of shareholders.

An important effort

During the event has made public that the Celtic of Vigo allocated a total of 22,6 millions to the contracting of the six footballers that the club purchased in property during the past market. The most expensive operation of the picture vigués was the international Norwegian Jörgen Strand Larsen, with an outlay of 12,4 millions, according to desveló the manager of finances of the club, María José Herbón.

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