Luis Suárez premièred  like goleador in the season


The VAR awarded to Luis Suárez his first goal of the season

Published:2/09/2018 - 19:22h

Updated:2/09/2018 - 21:22h

Luis Suárez achieved to mark his first goal of the season in front of the Huesca. This yes, no without that before there was query in the VAR for rearbitrar the played, that in a principle had given like invalid by a non-existent offside

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luis Suárez achieved, finally, première like goleador this season after three official parties of drought. The Uruguayan there was not 'wetted' until the visit of the Huesca to the Camp Nou this Sunday. His so much supposed the 3-1 in the duel suspender belt against the group oscense, and arrived with a finish after a good centre of Jordi Alba.

However, before the goal could go up to the marker it was necessary to expect to that the referee consulted the played with the VAR. In first instance, the assistant had cancelled the played of course offside, but after the query of Melero López finally finish giving as valid.

Therefore, the VAR allowed that Luis Suárez premièred like goleador in official party in the present season. Neither in the first day in the Camp Nou in front of the Sportive Alavés neither the past week in José Zorrilla against the Real Valladolid the Uruguayan could 'wet'. Neither it did it in the Supercopa of Spain in front of the Seville. 

It is necessary to stand out that this so much of Luis Suárez no faith the only that achieved in the party, since in the time of descuengto of the second part marked a second so much of penalti, since Leo Messi yielded him the possibility to hammer it. In this way, the Uruguayan started his moment goleador with a 'doublet' and, after the stop by selections, expects that it go to more.

The feelings of Luis Suárez

Luis Suárez showed happy for being able to mark after three parties without having it done. "Had win to help to the team and the important is that it won , the same that the others meetings", said, adding that "I think that go winning rhythm, and this is important. We begin a bit asleep, from here the goal, but this gave us an intention to react".

Besides, the Uruguayan also commented the fact that his goal went up to the marker with the help of the VAR. "No longer they give you you win to celebrate the goal after consulting it and see the doubts. No longer there is this adrenaline. But for something will be. It is juster. it is seeing In all the parties", commented, adding that "it always is important be leaders, but this recently begins".

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