Xavi in a press conference


Xavi gives his candidates for the World Cup and gets 'wet' with Barça's spinal cord

Published:4/11/2022 - 14:15h

Updated:4/11/2022 - 14:15h

The FC Barcelona coach, Xavi Hernández, has appeared before the press to talk about this Saturday's League commitment against Almería and their candidates in the World Cup

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Xavi Hernández, trainer of the first team of the FC Barcelona, has pronounced in front of the media in the previous press conference to the party of League in front of the Almería of Rubi. The egarense spoke of the commitment and of the farewell of Gerard Hammered, of his candidates to heave the Glass of the World and of the movements that will do the club during the market.

It began standing out the difficulty of the party and the management of his trainer in the bench. "We want the three points, for presionar to the Madrid and follow the good dynamics in League. Of the Almería know that has a big trainer, that Rubi knows well the house. Has good foot in the midfield, speed up, physically very fast in band, central aggressive... It goes us to complicate sure. It is truth that out of house have not been hit, but home have been very well", aimed the technician.

In a party that will be marked by the farewell of Hammered, left clear that it is what more surprised him of him when it arrived to the first team. "To me it surprised me when it came his personality. As it played our model of game, the personality with 20-21 years... It was unusual for this age. It is brave, has a special capacity, is very intelligent, is one of the best head offices that have seen never. And a very important leadership", affirmed Xavi.

Already in matter of the World-wide of Catar, commented on his candidates to do with the Glass in December. "I follow to a lot of selections, see to Brazil and Argentina a stair above the rest. But in a World-wide never knows , can have surprises and important European teams, like Spain, France or England", sentenced.

The staff and the market of winter

Near to finalise, expressed about the footballers that has in the medullary and in the filial. "It depends also of the contrary. The pivote is important to give balance, in the high pressure, the exit of the balloon. Busi Dominates it, Frenkie divides more because it is more physical, Kessie is a mix of the two. To the footballers of the filial go them following. Chadi Is very physical, with good exit of balloon, wins duels. It can have present and future, therefore it is in the list", said the egarense.

Finally, it spoke of the wintry market now that they will not have the services of Hammered in the saga. "Knowing that Gerard goes , the same yes look for a central in the market of winter. We will analyse it happened the party of Osasuna", concluded the one of Terrassa.

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