Arthur in the match against Uruguay


Arthur, fundamental in the victory of Brazil in front of Uruguay

Published:18/11/2020 - 07:56h

Updated:18/11/2020 - 07:56h

The ex player of the FC Barcelona, Arthur Melo, showed a big level in the conquest of his combined national in front of the selection charrúa, by the fourth date of the eliminatory CONMEBOL

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Arthur Melo, ex player of the FC Barcelona and current piece of the Juventus of Turín, went one of the most important players of the selection of Brazil, in the victory of the same by 0-2 in front of Uruguay. In said meeting, the mediocampista attained to annotate the first goal of his team and play during all the party.

Incidentally, the also ex player of the Guild of Carry Cheerful of his natal country, contributed a big dose of balance to the midfield of the "Canarinha". The victory serves him to the Brazilian selection to keep in the tope of the table of classification of the eliminatory sudamericanas, with a puntaje perfect of 12 points.

On the other hand, this milestone is achieving it the team directed by Tite, in spite of the drops of Neymar and Coutinho for this double date FIFA. However, Arthur and Richarlison appeared to guide by the senda of the victory to his combined national and do, again, with the three points, to remain like the better team stopped of what goes of clasificatoria.

Arthur follows smiling far of the Barcelona

Afterwards that it gave his exit of the FC Barcelona, during the past summer, the mediocampista Arthur has attained to accommodate the unstable moment that lived at the beginning of the season. So much in the Juventus of Turín as in the selection of his country, the exculé has showed a big level in all the senses of the game.

It hurts to imagine what would be of the midfield of the Barcelona and of the actuality of the player if the same had been able to remain in the club, instead of leaving of a so odd way. However, the step of Arthur by the Catalan team always will be very remembered, although it always will be painful the know that it could have lasted more and did not give of this way.

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