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Everything on Spain in the UEFA Euro 2021

Published:5/03/2021 - 17:38h

Updated:5/03/2021 - 17:38h

The next 12 June, finally will give beginning the UEFA Euro 2021, being his sixteenth edition from his start in 1960 in 13 distinct countries of Europe

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The Eurocopa bases in six groups of four selections that proceed until the eighth of final with the two first in classifying and the four better third. After the World-wide is one of the sportive events of the football that generates greater shock in us and all the fans of the countries that have the said to participate.

In this expected event whereby have to expect a year more than the planned, the fans of the football finally will be viewers of the best young players of Europe. From this time on you will find you indagando all the possible to know the possibilities that will have Spain.

Spain in the Eurocopa

So much for those who consider been mad about to the national football as to the apostadores, interested in informing to take note and obtain a reward on a long-term basis, will be enriquecedor know fundamental appearances of the history of the Eurocopa Spain of concise and punctual form. Support to our team is part of our identity, but does not be necessary to leave us carry only by what says the press, for greater ease divide it to you in three appearances.

Birth of the Eurocopa

In 1960 the Eurocopa arose with his first tournament in France, where the players however debuted to double party with gone and turn in each corresponding country to his teams and the final made in France. For that then Spain had big representatives like Enrique Mateos, Gave Stéfano and Gento. In addition to stood out like Ramallets.

In this event the Spaniards confronted to Poland in eliminatory going out airosos. However by problems with the Soviet of political character the Spanish selection could not continue in the glass this year.

Emblematic victories

The first victory of Spain took place in the Euro 1964 where participated players of renown and the captain Luis Suárez. In this opportunity the selection won to Romania in the preliminary phase with 7-3 and with the Soviet selection in the final winning 2-1.

The most stood out

At present, it is possible to affirm that Spain and Germany are the two selections with greater quantity of Eurocopas in his vitrinas. This fact is notable to consider them strong exponents among others teams, explaining also with important quantity of victories and semifinals in the World-wide.

Which are the players stood out for the Eurocopa 2021?

The passionate expected that the big Spanish promise Pedri González was selected by his big debut with the Barcelona recently. Nevertheless in the staff identifies big talent and can carry the recognition in the following appearances.

  • The centrocampo sees strengthened by new incorporations, can give a lot of options of game in favour with the combination of Fornals, Isco and Dani Ceballos.
  • In the forward also appreciates a possible strength to profit of the selection by the presence of Morata, to the one who bet because it finds going through one of his best moments since it arrived to Juventus.
  • Isco And Marco Asensio, although they do not find in his best moment with the Madrid, can surprise with his skills finding in this team.

Prognoses for the Eurocopa 2021

All find us anxious for tracing possible results with regard to the selection of Spain in this next Eurocopa. It is thus that the more connoisseurs in the subject devote to make a list of possible in function of real knowledges like the history and the statistics.

Many can think that still is prompt to speak of possible results but many times the history and the potential contribute the key to recognise the possibilities based in the logic and the events of the past. These are some of the things that take in account the apostadores.

The four main

Spain finds between the four big favourites of the Eurocopa and has stood out from his starts accompanies of Germany, of England and of France. During these meetings Spain has won 4 meetings with these big.

They possess more glasses won

At present Spain and Germany find heading the two selections with greater quantity of Eurocopas won. When equalising to this power of the football in Europe Spain definitively stands out like one of the favourites, having obtained the title thrice previously.

In fact, both have achieved to heave the title until in three different occasions and are considered like maximum favourites to raise it a fourth time. Thus, between all the prognoses Euro 2020 possible, east is one of the most interesting.


A lot it comments that the phase of classification whereby crossed Spain to determine his new selection was much more formal and premeditada that the one of Germany. It will be necessary to expect to the first parties to see his exert.

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