Lautaro decided the Argentina-Peru in a weak night of Messi (1-0)

Published:15/10/2021 - 08:27h

Updated:15/10/2021 - 13:27h

Argentina did not fail against Peru and added another victory (1-0) that allows it to remain second in the qualifying phase for the World Cup. Lautaro Martínez decided a meeting in which Leo Messi was not especially inspired

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Argentina added a new victory against Peru of face to the phase of classification sudamericana for the World-wide of Qatar of the next year. Lautaro Martínez​ was the one who decided the meeting with a powerful head butt before the rest after a glorious played between Molina and Rodrigo Of Paul. Leo Messi, by his part, was not especially inspired and did not achieve to do notice too much in the duel.

With this triumph, the ones of Lionel Scaloni follow second in the table by behind Brazil, that goleó to Uruguay. The Argentinians have right now 25 points, whereas the Brazilians have 31 and keep the six of difference that had before arriving to this stop. The World-wide is increasingly near for the combined albiceleste, that this time had to win more by push that by good football.

Peru arrived to full Argentina of drops and with the need to add some point, by what shut quite backwards to prevent that the venues played with comfort. This influenced negatively in Messi, that this time could not mark the difference through his drivings neither of his vision of game. The '10', besides, noticed the tiredness after all the duels of this stop and did not attain that it went his night.

Those who himself were dangerous, punzantes and had very clear where could hurt were Ángel Gave María and Of Paul, that went surely the best of the ones of Scaloni beside Cristian Romero. The midfield player of the Athletic of Madrid and the central of the Tottenham projected especially above the rest, one in the creation of football and the another with his solvency and forcefulness in defence.

Through Of Paul arrived precisely the first and only so much of the duel. Celso stole in three chambers of field, gave it to him to Molina and this played to the mediocampista rojiblanco, that threw him a big wall in question tenth of second to the own right-handed side. Molina confined by band, arrived to background line and put it so that Lautaro annotated with a brutal head butt that diverted Zambrano.

Peru 'forgave' to Argentina in the second part

In the second time, Peru went out something more cheerful in search of the tie, but did not finish to give the at the front necessary step to hurt him for real to Argentina. Luckily for the Peruvians, Emi Martínez 'gave' a penalti after a bad exit, but Yotún forgave the life to the albiceleste commanding his launching to the crossbar. At the end, the marker did not move and the Argentinians added a new victory to follow dreaming with the World-wide.

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