Luis dela Fuente


Luis de la Fuente explains the changes he will make to the Spanish team

Published:21/12/2022 - 13:53h

Updated:21/12/2022 - 13:53h

Luis de la Fuente has revealed part of what will be his work scheme in the Spanish team. The man from La Rioja plans to keep the current model, but add speed and verticality

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The elimination of 'The Red' in the Glass of the World after falling in the batch of penaltis in front of Morocco also marked the end of the cycle of Luis Enrique Martínez like seleccionador national. After announcing his exit, the Real Spanish Federation of Football appointed to Luis de la Fuente, the one who for then came to head to the combined juvenile, backed by attainments like the European Sub-19 and the olympic silver in Tokyo with the Sub-23.

Now, the riojano finds in front of a greater challenge in a selection of Spain that it has to initiate a new project. In an interview for 'Sport', has left clear which will be his main aims: "My aim is to consolidate all the positive appearances that there has been during this time with the previous seleccionador, Luis Enrique, and try reflect also my leaf of route to fulfil the sportive aims that they are, logically, win all the parties that have and the competitions that have to face".

Likewise, it expects to be at the top of the combined national of face to the Glass of the World of 2026, that will celebrate between Canada, United States and Mexico: "If all goes well, understand that we will follow until the following World-wide. But in the football never knows what can happen. For the moment, I insist, I want to enjoy with this new project, that is very beautiful, very attractive, of maximum level. And I do not think further. In the football have gone back me very cortoplacista. I do not think in what it goes to spend the day of morning".

But for this, recognises that it will be necessary to work a lot in function of the results that the RFEF expects to obtain: "Always it can improve and I the first. I think that I have arrived to the maximum that it can aspire any trainer: be seleccionador of his country. But it is necessary to improve. It does not suffice with arriving. It is necessary to have results. And in base to these results, prolong my continuity in this charge during long. Then if that will have achieved this aim that some day had posed me".

The model of game

Regarding the philosophy of game of 'The Red', has indicated that will keep the current model, although it will add some innovations: "Like concept in general I identify me with the idea and the model of game that has the Spanish selection. A model recognised all over the world. But each trainer has his nuances and his particular point of view that do different the development of this idea. I what pretend is to keep the game of possession and of association, that consider that it adapts very well to our profile of footballers".

The new seleccionador considers that with his ideas of the game, now Spain will have a swifter selection on the field: "they like Me the fast transitions, likes me have fast players that run to the spaces and am a convinced to attack a lot of zones of finish and for this it is necessary to supply a lot of balloons to the forwards. With all this coctelera of ideas think that that we would be a very complete team".

The legacy of Luis Enrique

On his predecessor to the control of the bench, Luis de la Fuente has indicated that has left an important base of players: "The football is very simple. If one does not obtain the results, the pressure of the fans and of the media can do mella in the trainer. But for real I think that it has done a big work. Luis Enrique has done a lot by the Spanish Federation. It has left a big team. I think that there is a very solid base of face to the future".

Also it has kept contacts with the Asturian after being designated like seleccionador absolute: "we Have exchanged messages. It sent me a very affectionate message and I also to him. Have very good relation. We will speak quietly in his moment. Because I think that we respect us a lot and it has remained a very good dregs between us. We will speak of everything. No with the spirit to receive councils, that accept them gustosamente, so much of him as of other seleccionadores with which have had opportunity to speak. All information is good".

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