Luka modric Has  lesionado against the selection of italia

Rakitic Shines with Croatia in front of Italy and Modric, lesionado

Rakitic Shines with Croatia in front of Italy and Modric, lesionado

Published:17/11/2014 - 11:00h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The selections of Italy and Croatia empataron to one in a rugged party. The referee of the party, the Dutch Bjorn Kuipers, stopped the clash during five minutes because of the launching of flares by part of the interested Croats from the terracings

It has been the third interruption of the game by this reason, and the longest. Previously, the midfield player of the Real Madrid Luka Modric had withdrawn lesionado to the half hour of party with a muscular injury. Ivan Rakitic, by his part, has starred a big party leading the game of his team. These two teams lead the group H empatados to 10 points, one more than a Norwegian that has defeated Azerbaijan by 0 to 1. Bulgaria and Malta have empatado to one. The Bulgarian have failed a penalti to a chamber of hour of the end.

Holland has goleado 6 to 0 Latvia (two goals of Robben, two of Huntelaar, one of Van Persie and Mist) avoiding that the seleccionador Guus Hiddink did reality his threat to resign, but follows to 6 points of the leader of the group To, a Czech Republic invicta that has infligido the first defeat of this phase to the second of the classification, Iceland (2-1), a team that until this Sunday had not fit any goal. Turkey has defeated Kazakhstan 3 to 1.

In the Group B, Cyprus has goleado Andorra (5-0) with "hat-trick" of Georgios Efrem. The leader of this group is Israel, with 9 points and a party less, that has won Bosnia and Herzegovina by 3 to 0. Belgium empató to 0 with the Wales of Gareth Bleat, that follows invicta (2 victories and 2 ties). The Welsh only have participated in a big tournament in his history, the World-wide of Sweden of 1958.

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