Leo Messi and Diego Armando Maradona, in an image of archive with Argentina


The letter of Messi to Argentina with dedicatoria to Maradona

Published:12/07/2021 - 14:03h

Updated:12/07/2021 - 14:03h

Lionel Messi has devoted some words to the Argentinians in the world in gratitude to all the support during the Glass America that supposed his first title with the greater selection. In the text does quotation to Diego Armando Maradona, the one who went his trainer during the cycle clasificatorio and the World-wide of 2010 in South Africa

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It was not a secret the importance that revestía for Lionel Messi the fact to win his first title with the absolute selection of Argentina. The image of the captain of the Barça regretting seemed to do recurrent every time that the Albiceleste finished falling in the decisive party.

In fact, it was near to desist of his put when announcing his renunciation to the selection after falling by penaltis in the final of the Glass Centenarian America 2016. Nevertheless, it returned to continue in search of his put until finally it attained it in one of the best possible stages: in front of Brazil in the Maracaná.

The letter of Messi

In the middle of the joy by the title, Leo had a gesture to his nation when devoting him some words in which self-evident his pride and the gratitude to his mates: "it Was an incredible Glass, know that we still can improve a lot of things, but the truth is that the pibes left the soul and can not be prouder to have the luck to be captain of this spectacular group".


It devoted the conquest to his familiar, friends and to all the Argentinians, especially to the memory of Diego Armando Maradona, died in November of the past year: "This success want to it to him devote to my family that always gave me the strength to go on, to my friends that so much want to, to all the people that us banking and especially to the 45 million Argentinians that so bad happened it with this shit of virus, especially to which touched them more than near. It goes by all you. And of course also by Diego that sure us bancó from where was".

Finally, it called to the reflection to his compatriots to follow struggling against the pandemia of the Covid-19: "To be able to follow celebrating have to follow us taking care, do not forget us that it still remains a lot to go back to the normality and take advantage of this happiness to hold a bit of strength to struggle together to win to the virus. Thank you God by all what gave me and thank you for having me done be Argentinian CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA!!!".

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