Leo Messi, Neymar and Scaloni after the suspension of Brazil-Argentina


The talk between Messi, Juninho, Tite and Scaloni amid the chaos in Brazil

Published:6/09/2021 - 13:38h

Updated:6/09/2021 - 13:39h

The cameras attracted the conversation that kept the representatives of Brazil and Argentinian after the suspension of the party this Sunday

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The classical sudamericano between Brazil and Argentina, by the eliminatory of the Conmebol for the World-wide of Catar 2022, was marked by the entry of the sanitary authorities in the field before the six minutes of party, due to the fact that several players of the albiceleste were 'breaking' the sanitary rule and had to be deported of the territory carioca.

In the middle of the chaos, the stars of both edicts exchanged messages treating to understand said situation that 'marked' again to the football sudaméricano. Lionel Messi, Casemiro, Neymar, Tite or Scaloni were the most involved and kept in the field chatting with the authorities to know the details of the situation.

Between all the conversations, stood out one between Messi, Juninho, Tite and Scaloni, with 'Ney' and the midfield player of the Real Madrid as main witnesses. In the same, desvelada by 'Sportive World', the seleccionador Brazilian aimed that"before, before was... As well as they did it no".

Juninho, ex footballer and mánager of the selection 'canarinha', aimed that "they did it of a mistaken way, but warned before that the players were informed". There it took part Leo Messi, standing out that "they did not warn us. Four days ago that are here. They had come the first day and no like this".

Pernambucano Went back to insist with that "Messi, warned them before", but Tite headed to 'The Flea' asking him that "they did not warn them?", to what Messi answered that no. Lionel Scaloni took part in this moment against of the ex Brazilian steering wheel: "Juninho, why did not go to look for them to the hotel? The Conmebol said 'Can play'. It finish , you do not look for me where there is not. I ask it to you please, ok?".

Messi, outraged and annoying

In this moment, Leo Messi pronounced the sentence that has gone back viral in the last hours: "three days ago we are here, they expected to that it begin the party to come? Why they did not warn before? If it does not happen at all... it is looking Us The world. They warned, they went and smart. Why they were not to the hotel".

Scaloni Went back to take part to sentence the conversation and, with the annoyance on the surface by all what had to live his players and mates of the Argentinian federation, underlined that "this does not have at all that see with the sportive. It is a papelón, is a papelón".

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