Arthur Melo in the party in front of the Athletic


Barter Arthur / Pjanic is betting on the present by mortgaging the future

Published:30/06/2020 - 09:16h

Updated:30/06/2020 - 15:05h

Arthur Melo had everything to be Barça's starting midfielder for the next decade, but the club has decided to get rid of him at the first change. A debatable transfer that Barcelona could regret sooner rather than later

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona announced this past Monday the sale of Arthur Melo to the Juventus of Turín by 72 million euros and 10 in variables. Besides, the Barcelona also confirmed the purchase of Miralem Pjanic by 60 'kilos' and other 5 by aims. In summary, a barter in which the Barcelona will finish taking out 12 clean millions by the young midfield player of Brazil. The '8' Barcelona will say goodbye in what they finalise LaLiga and the Champions League, that will play in August.

This operation has not been very received by good part of the fans barcelonista and by the own changing room culé. But it is not for less than there are so many people that no have taken it to him well, since in sportive terms and of business the operation has peros throughout. The first and more important is that it gives the feeling that there be not done by a sportive subject, but it has prevailed especially the economic, by this need of the club of ingresar money for saldar accounts in this exercise.

In addition to this, could say that the Barcelona has mortgaged somehow his future when buying to Pjanic and leave free to the of Goiana. The bosnio is a grandísimo player, probably one of the best midfield players of Europe, but is 30 years old and this plays in his against. The blaugrana have signed him until 2024, by what will finish his agreement with 34 years. Besides, it is necessary to take into account that it will earn more than the double of what won the ex of Guild.

Arthur was winning some 3 million euros, whereas the Balkan will surpass the 7, that is what embolsaba in Turín. With the exchange has won quite a lot of mass salarial for the season that comes, but especially for the following. To the of Tuzla remain him two or three years of big football with almost total security, but his best years already have happened, whereas the ones of the Brazilian are still for arriving. Mortgage the future of the club in return of the present could not being the best business neither the best decision.

Going in already to value the subject futbolístico, it is necessary to recognise that to day of today Pjanic is more player and much more regulate. It is a half with quality, worker, intelligent, with vision of game, a big strike and very polyvalent. In fact, it is very likely that the Barça come off well with the change of face to the course that comes. But what will occur in 2021? And in 2022? By a lot that in players as of his style the physicist was not so important, is indisputable that his performance will go to less in no too time. The big question is, will keep on being better that the one of Goiana inside one or two years?

Arthur could explode in the next years

The answer to this question does not have it anybody because anybody knows until where will arrive Arthur, but the reality is that the potential of the Brazilian invites to be optimistic with him. If it leaves backwards his injuries, something that would have to occur before or afterwards, has spare quality to be differential in his place. Has talent to be able to give much more of what has given in his two years in the Barça and is likely that take it out to relucir in the Juventus if they give him the confidence that has not had in the Camp Nou.

Pay more than 30 millions by him in 2018 to leave him leave only two years afterwards has been precipitated and very imprudent. Has only 23 years and although to dropper, in Barcelona had showed to have level to be one of the best of the world in his position. With players like him always is necessary to have something of patience and have him give a year more than margin would have been the most indicated. The club, nevertheless, decided that the best was to do business already and forget of the subject bringing to somebody more contrasted like Pjanic. It can that in one or two seasons this managerial board of account of the tremendo error that was to take this decision.

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