Arthur and Pjanic, players of Barça and Juve


POLL: Barça is doing well by transferring Arthur for Pjanic?

Published:25/06/2020 - 20:41h

Updated:1/07/2020 - 10:05h

FC Barcelona is very close to closing the sale of Arthur Melo to Juventus in Turin. In exchange, the azulgrana would receive Miralem Pjanic and 10 million euros. Do you think Barça is right with this operation?

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Everything indicates that Arthur Melo goes to turn into the next hours in new player of the Juventus of Turín. The FC Barcelona and the group bianconero would have agreed the traspaso of the Brazilian to the 'Vecchia Signora' in return of Miralem Pjanic and 10 million euros. Some means signal that it will not be a change of normal chromiums, but first the Juve will buy to the ex of Guild by 70 or 80 'kilos', and to continuation the Barça will do the same with the bosnio by 60 or 70.

In brief there will be more novelties on how will be this operation that carries fraguando along all the stop. The Barcelona put to the of Goiana in the door of exit does months and the juventinos 'hammered' to the instant. The Juve carries behind the international 'canarinho' long and now seems that at last they have it to shot. Up to now, Arthur had denied to move of the Camp Nou, but in these moments would be almost convinced. But if his sale consummates , for real hits the Barça leaving him leave in return of Pjanic?

THE POLL It hits the Barça traspasando to Arthur by Pjanic?

The Balkan is a more done footballer, with more experience and perhaps even more polyvalent that the Brazilian, but is better for the Barcelona that Arthur? The Brazilian is in principle the perfect prototype of midfield player for the group barcelonista. Has talent to raudales, a big deal with the balloon and vision of game. Remove him the ball is almost impossible when it protects it and from his starts in the City Condal began him to compare with Xavi Hernández by the qualities that shared.

Pjanic, instead, is another type of mediocampista, with quality and good vision, but with less talent that the one of Goiana. The one of Tuzla is a good organiser, good driver of game and can stand out in any one of the three positions of the centre of the field, but does not have the magic that sees him to Melo in three chambers of field. What yes possesses the ex of the Rome is a strike of upper balloon to the of the Barcelona.

Besides, Miralem is more hard-working that the Brazilian in all the senses. Defensivamente Can contribute a point more than intensity and wear that the Barcelona could appreciate. Nevertheless, in spite of his virtues, it is necessary to take into account that has already 30 years, whereas the ex of Guild will fulfil 24 in August. This difference of age does that many ask if the Barça for real hits leaving go out to a footballer with so much future in return of somebody that is going in in the straight final of his career.

An operation that leaves a lot of doubts

The Catalans seem to have taken already the decision and everything aims that Arthur will say goodbye in brief. They say that in the changing room have not taken at all well this movement, since have in high esteem to the Brazilian. Neither it seems that the fans of the Barcelona agree with what have decided in the offices of the Camp Nou. But all this are for the moment supposed and only the time will say if the operation has been beneficial or no for the culés.

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