André Gomes in a party with the FC Barcelona


André Gomes, of fallón to missing against Valencia

Published:8/02/2018 - 22:44h

Updated:8/02/2018 - 22:57h

Ernesto Valverde follows insisting in his participation and has improved a lot in attitude, but André Gomes continues without giving the key in the FC Barcelona. In the first-half in Mestalla happened of insistent to fallón to finish dissolving again

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They expected some surprises for the Glass of Rey, and although the fans had win to see to Philippe Coutinho, were not the expected. The FC Barcelona jumped to the terrain of game in Mestalla with André Gomes between the headlines, and although the Portuguese put him obstinacy, went back to exasperate to his own fans

For looking for him the positive note, the one of Grijó has improved a lot in attitude, at least in the first minutes of game. In fact, his excess of impetus played him a bad past, because the majority of his first interventions finish in fault, due to the fact that it internalised consigns it of Ernesto Valverde to insist in the pressure after loss.

Act followed arrived the disaster, because with the spherical in the feet did not improve the feelings of the midfield player. While the Barcelona players encouraged for having patience to the hour to build and avoid the failures, the luso accumulated error after error. All his passes finish going to the limbo, and from the terracing had to give back some balloons of his centres.


To finish the first time and his presence on the lawn, André Gomes went hiding until it disappeared. It left to go in at stake and when it appeared his rhythm was flat and lacking of tension. The face of Valverde was a poem to measure that the Portuguese evolved in his performance, and the doubts continue surrounding to his decisions, sees something that the rest does not see or only puts him in the shop window?

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