Arthur, yawning during the match against Osasuna in the Camp Nou


Arthur, 'hunted' yawning while the Barça played LaLiga

Published:17/07/2020 - 04:11h

Updated:17/07/2020 - 04:11h

Arthur Melo lived the Barça-Osasuna in the terracing of the Camp Nou, and the cameras attracted him yawning and practically pulled in his seat while the team was playing LaLiga

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Little time after it confirmed the hecatombe of the FC Barcelona in LaLiga 2019-20, with the defeat in front of Osasuna in the Camp Nou (1-2) and the triumph of the Real Madrid in front of the Villarreal (2-1), did virales through the social networks, after appearing in 'Movistar', some images in which it could see to Arthur Melo yawn, pull and bore in the terracing, in definite, while the Barça played the title.

The sequence has not seated well to a wide sector of the barcelonismo, that has undone in criticisms to the Brazilian by what consider fault of professionalism and implication, although Arthur has seen forced to abandon the club to go to the Juventus, and besides has not had of opportunities of game with Setién since it confirmed the operation.

The '8' of the Barça recovered of his amigdalitis and went in in the announcement of the Barça-Osasuna, seeing forced to see the party from the terracing. In another of the images that attracted the cameras of television, the Brazilian midfield player appeared barefoot and practically tumbado in his seat.

It is clear that did not amuse too much during the Barça-Osasuna, and is not of extrañar taking into account that probably it was orno of the worst parties of the FC Barcelona this season 2019-20. It can even that the worst, since the bad result breaks a series of 42 consecutive parties without losing in the Camp Nou (had attained 36 triumphs and 6 ties).

Normal that Arthur no longer was involved...

In addition to criticisms, also have gone out several users in defence of Arthur, without wanting to that the Brazilian pay the dishes broken by the bad situation that crosses the FC Barcelona to sportive level. The Brazilian, from does some weeks, is in passing and lives a pure formality until it finish the course and have to put course to Turín, where will be presented officially and will happen to dress the elastic 'bianconera'.

It will be necessary to see if in the 'Vecchia Signora' suffer so many physical problems as it has suffered in the Barça, where has not been able to shine of the all neither evolve because of the continuous interruptions in shape of injury. In return of Arthur, will arrive to the Camp Nou a Miralem Pjanic that hardly has lost parties by physical ailment in the last years. We pray so that like this it follow...

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