Arturo Vidal in his presentation with FC Barcelona


Arturo Vidal repeats which is his biggest obsession in FC Barcelona

Published:18/10/2019 - 09:36h

Updated:18/10/2019 - 10:20h

Arturo Vidal arrived to FC Barcelona with a target, and does not want to leave without getting it. The chilean has admited again which is his big obsession in the Camp Nou, and also talked about Leo Messi and Pep Guardiola

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The market of signings of the summer 2018 carried to Arturo Vidal to the FC Barcelona, where the Chilean has attained to put his quality to the service of the team. The midfield player of Saint Joaquín is not cut by the demanding pattern of footballers that usually shine in the Camp Nou, but with his mentality, delivery and talent has known to do a place in the Catalan group and win the affection of the fans.

And definitely, his ambition is a shot that all share, something that has remained more than clear in an interview conceded to 'L'Équipe', in which the ex of the Bayern of Munich has remembered what carried him to mudarse to the City Condal: "My obsession is to achieve the Glass of Europe. This year I create really in her, because I am in the best team of the world and is the strongest physically to go to the end to by all the titles".

"The talent does you win the championship, but the physicist helps you to win the Champions. I do not tire me to say that if it does not leave the life on the terrain of game and if it does not run until the last second, is impossible to win. The football is the war. I give it always everything, because I think in the people that has spent his money to come to see us", explains, giving a good sample of his character and his form to see the football.

The 'king' has recognised, this yes, that still hurts him the past elimination in front of the Liverpool, in an eliminatory that initiated with a promising advantage and finished with a disaster in Anfield: "Still I am in rage. It is difficult to explain what happened. Definitely, they were too many individual and insufficient errors concentration. The year happened the Champions was crazy and did not have any logic, because the football is wayward".

Arturo Vidal praises to Leo Messi and Pep Guardiola

Arturo Vidal also has praised to several figures stood out of the club, and has undone in praises to Leo Messi. "It is the peculiarity of the team and changes it everything. It is an alien that plays with the humans. All those that know a bit of football recognise that Leo is the best of the history. And only you see the parties... In the trainings, still is more terrible", has revealed on the '10', that still today has him impressed.

Besides, it has confessed that learnt a lot in the stage that shared with Pep Guardiola in Germany, although both only coincided during a campaign in the Allianz Sand, where has ensured that learnt a lot on his philosophy and his educations: "Also it contributed me a lot. His way to see the football, his pedagogy, his science of the game of passes that have to be always simple and fast".

Finally, the crack has done a review of his style, and has explained the reason of his distinctive crest: "My crest is to give fear. I did it to me after the World-wide Sub20 in 2007. It remembered me to a German player that liked me in the World-wide 2002 (Christian Ziege) for being superagresivo, gave fear to the opponent. It wanted to do something alike and created me a character. I began in Italy and have more than 30 tattoos, but have a space reserved under the navel for the Champions".

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