Arturo Vidal, celebrating a goal with Arthur Melo


Arturo Vidal thinks on Arthur, Messi, Riqui Puig and the continuity of Setién

Published:7/08/2020 - 09:11h

Updated:9/08/2020 - 02:33h

In addition to speaking on the Barça and the Champions League, Arturo Vidal has been asked after a lot of proper names during the extensive interview that has conceded to 'MD'

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During the interview that has conceded Arturo Vidal in the last hours, no only has spoken on the future of the FC Barcelona in Champions League but also on some of his proper names, as Arthur, Riqui Puig, Leo Messi or the own Quique Setién, that could play the continuity in function of if the Barça advances or falls deleted in front of the group partenopeo.

That the Cantabrian technician follow or no, in this sense, will depend on the results. "It is that this is clear, one when it is in the best team of the world, the people asks you results and when the season is not so good, always is necessary to do a balance for the sake of the club. In the future it has to see, the people that is to charge has to decide which is the best future for the Barcelona. In this sense said it, not saying since it have to change . If it wins or no the Champions, the people that is to charge, will have to take decisions", remembers Arturo, in relation to an interview that conceded to a half Colombian.

"Arthur? It is a subject in which I do not want to me put because I do not know what happened further"

The directive of Bartomeu, therefore, will have to take decisions so much if the Barça wins the Champions League as if it does not do it, always for the good of the team. "Yes, clearly they will have to take decisions, but if it follows, well also, because it is a good trainer, that speaks a lot with the players, and to him would do him very well, but that is not my work".

What himself has noticed Arturo Vidal in the last weeks is that it has improved a lot the relation between the players and the technical body. "Yes, I always have been to taste here, and the players have to be to taste to treat to give the maximum, but lately was not happening this, and now clearly the attitude has changed from everywhere and are all with a lot of confidence to struggle by this title".

All this, in spite of the controversial rebellion of Arthur Melo. "It is a subject in which I do not want to me put because I do not know what happened further. Only I have a lot of affection and a lot of respect by him. I expect that it go him well", it signals Arturo Vidal, careful. To the one who sees fully motivated to struggle by the 'orejona' is to Leo Messi. "It is very motivated and concentrated. We know that it is the captain and the best of the world and if it is well, will guide us to the title, but it is necessary to help him. If he is well, the team goes it to appreciate and go it to treat to take advantage of to the maximum".

Riqui Puig and Ansu Fati, the illusion personificada

And also it values very positively, Arturo Vidal, the contribution that are giving the youngsters of the filial, with Ansu Fati and Riqui Puig in command. "I see them well, working strong, preparing well, but have to go step by step. They are taking advantage of his minutes, but is not easy to be in the best team of the world, keep because always there is a lot of competition, and they, as young, have to take it like this, go step by step, go winning minutes and take advantage of them to the maximum because have a lot of talent. In the future they will be big players, but have to go calmly". Patience and good letter.

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