Konrad de la Fuente in his debut in League with the Marseilles


Assistance and great game from Konrad at the Marseille premiere in Ligue 1

Published:10/08/2021 - 07:36h

Updated:10/08/2021 - 07:36h

Konrad de la Fuente made his debut in an official match this past Monday with Marseille in Olympique's debut in Ligue 1. The North American assisted Under in the first goal for his team and gave a dribbling display in the triumph of his team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Konrad de la Fuente​ goes to be one of the names to be followed in this Tie 1 that began this past weekend. The extreme youngster of the Olympique of Marseilles, that left the FC Barcelona​ this summer of definite form, has shined in pre-season and this past Monday premièred like titling in official party with the marselleses in the debut of the team in the championship national suspender belt.

The ones of Jorge Sampaoli surpassed to the Montpellier by 2-3, thank you partly to the North American, that assisted in the 1-0 after a grandísima played individual. The visitors lost 2-0 in the minute 68 when the American encaró to two rivals in left band and attained to leave them backwards with a big autopase. After his brilliant dribbling, put it to the second stick and Cengiz Ünder marked to pleasure the 1-2 that initiated the traced back.

Later, Resign Payet planted the 2-2 and later the 2-3 that gave him the triumph to the Marseilles. In the meantime, Konrad followed his exhibition of desbordes and careers by the left side, showing that it goes to be one of the big appeals of Tie it 1 this course. His speed, desparpajo and dribbling were keys in the first victory of the campaign for the French and will be decisive this course.

The one of Miami was to his 20 years one of the most interesting jewels of the Masia. However, the big competition that there was in the first team did that it decided that the best was to look for an exit. The Olympique was with everything to by him, promised him opportunities and finish arriving to an agreement with him and with the Barcelona. The Frenchmen paid 3 million euros to do with his services of definite form, although the Catalans saved a percentage of a future sale and a right of score.

Konrad has to go improving his figures

The speed and the one against one always have been the big arms of the now attacker, that in Marseilles will do strong from these qualities. However, if it wants to approach to an upper level, also will have to take part in more goals, already was marked by him or produced for other mates. In this debut against the Montpellier already has taken a step forward and has to be the way that follow from now.

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