The fright of the traced back was by Hammer: it went out adolorido and with annoyances in his knee


Barça announces bad news about Piqué after his injury against Sevilla

Published:4/03/2021 - 13:33h

Updated:4/03/2021 - 20:48h

Gerard Piqué ended the match against Sevilla 'touched' and this Thursday he has undergone new tests that have diagnosed him with a new injury. The defender has relapsed from his knee injury and has a sprained ligament that will cause him to be low

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although the first exploration hinted that only treated of a 'fright', the medical proofs that have made him this Thursday have confirmed a new injury of knee of Gerard Hammered. The central has a sprain in the internal lateral ligament of his right knee. The FC Barcelona confirmed it in a communiqué and announced that it will be low próximamente and that "his evolution will mark his availability".

It will be necessary to see how long is out of the terrains of game the defender after this new injury of knee. It is a varapalo very hard so much for him as for the Barça, that had recovered to his greater defensive bastion at last. Unfortunately, the joy has lasted him little to the culés, that will have to fix them without the '3' during a time still for defining. In the best of the cases perhaps are only one or two weeks, but in a zone like this is complicated to put terms.

The group barcelonista does not dare to put date of turn in these moments and prefer to go day in day out. The true is that after being 'KO' of November to the past month of February, suits to go calmly thinking in the future of the footballer. Another relapse could be 'mortal' for somebody of his age and does not seem that it go him to force. In the next days there will be more novelties on his state and evolution.

It is necessary to remember that the central finish the party of this Wednesday against the Seville with annoyances and with a strong pain in his knee. The Barcelonan went to the floor in the extention and did to jump all the alarms because of the injury that left him 'out' during months. With visible samples of pain, Gerard had to leave of the field limping and with help to be attended in the band by the medical services of the club.

With Araújo lesionado, Umtiti is the only alternative to Hammered

In the same stadium made him a first exploration that descartó serious problems, but a day afterwards, in cold, this diagnostic has remained in at all. The new proofs have left clear that has a sprain, by what will have to stop and initiate a new process of recovery. It is a very painful drop by all what involves, since in these moments his alternative is Samuel Umtiti that does not offer big guarantees.

The French will have to suplir to Hammered in case to play with defence of three defenders, although it can not descartar that Koeman go back to play with the classical 4-3-3 or a 4-2-3-1 in front of the absence of head offices. This could depend on the turn of Ronald Araújo, that follows with annoyances in the ankle and that lost the crash of Glass of this Wednesday. If the charrúa returns, will be to title in the place of Gerard, but in the meantime 'Big Sam' is the only alternative.

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