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The conclusions of Barça about the CIES report

Published:8/06/2020 - 23:56h

Updated:9/06/2020 - 00:47h

This week has been published the latest report from the CIES Football Observatory, which puts a price on world football stars. These are the conclusions of Barça regarding its squad and its targets

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This week has published the report of the Observatory of the Football CIES, that has very attentive to the FC Barcelona. Although this study does not provide absolute truths with regard to the valuation of footballers, his algorithm takes into account appearances like the age, the years of agreement in force, the position, the goals, the internacionalidades or the results to level of clubs, what allows to evaluate to the own players and to the aims using a frame of reliable reference based in statistics.

Between the positive conclusions of the analysis stands out the case of Antoine Griezmann, certified like an upward value. Although it is true that the one of Macon has not adapted completely to the requirements of the Camp Nou, also is it that it keeps some registers more than acceptable, that have good part of the fault that his price keep between the eight first of this peculiar 'TOP100'. The 136,4 million euros that award him surpass even to the 120 invested in paying his clause of rescission and take him out of the Athletic of Madrid.

Curiously, the French has advanced to Leo Messi like first representative barcelonista in the table. The age and an agreement that expires in 2021 happen him bill to the of Rosario, that sustains in the place 22 with an assessment of 100,1 'kilos'. His extraordinary quality allows him follow living in the high zone with almost 33 years, whereas other usual in these evaluations, as Luis Suárez or Sergio Busquets, does time that left his place to the new generations. The comparison with Cristiano Ronaldo is painful, since this drop until the 62,8 millions.

Precisely, the Barcelona second is not the Argentinian, but Frenkie of Jong, signalled like the most expensive between the defensive midfield players. His 102,1 millions confirm that, so much by feelings as by data, goes to be one of the 'heavy weights' in the next project of the entity, and that his incorporation, that cost 75+10 'kilos' -in an agreement in extremis with the Ajax-, in some years could describe like cheap.

Other young stars also appear in the list, that stands out to Clément Lenglet and Arthur. For the one of Beauvais offers a valuation of 82,9 millions, more than the double of the invested in his signing, and for the one of Goiania the same, since it situates him in 71,5. The presence of the ex of the Guild invites to reflexionar, since there is not neither trace of Miralem Pjanic, a veteran that is sounding in a barter that would favour to the Juventus. It does not be necessary to forget neither to Marc-André ter Stegen, whose 50,2 millions seem short taking into account the talent that exhibits day to day.

Perhaps the worst feeling is the one who leaves the disappearance of Samuel Umtiti, that does not do so much was the most valued defence of the planet. The one of Yaundé, that cost 25 million euros, surpassed the 80 in 2018, just before forcing his knee to win the World-wide of Russia and put of head in a carousel of injuries. This has carried him to a sportive and economic fall, whereas regarding the defenders, Matthijs of Ligt has occupied his place with a valuation of 104,7 million euros.

The CIES also mentions to the aims of the Barça

The report of the CIES also mentions to the aims of the Barça, that takes good note of the assessments of Lautaro Martínez and Neymar. According to the Observatory of the Football, the Inter of Milan does not walk so wrong demanding 111 million euros by the one of White Bay, since his price the fixed in 98,2 'kilos'. Instead, with the one of Sao Paulo the problem is a PSG that keeps inflexible, since the 130 or 150 millions that demand the 'bleus', for the study do not happen of 82,7.

The Argentinian and the Brazilian are not the only that appear and are in the Barcelona orbit, and the sportive managers can annotate more numbers in his diary. Matthijs Of Ligt (104,7 millions), Joshua Kimmich (96,7), Swindle Werner (90,3) or Fabián Ruiz (81) contribute upward, whereas there are others like Milan Skriniar (49,7) or Tanguy Ndombélé (48,8) that, like the ex of the Saints, do it to the drop. In a marked summer by the crisis of the coronavirus, this yes, probably the brecha with the reality hold on to the negative tendency.

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