Arthur in a match of Barça in LaLiga


The bet of Barça: Pjanic is more resistant to injuries than Arthur

Published:30/06/2020 - 21:27h

Updated:30/06/2020 - 21:27h

The trade between Arthur and Miralem Pjanic has caused an intense debate, but Barça is confident in its bet on the bosnian. The Juventus midfielder is more resistant to injuries than the brazilian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona confirmed this Monday the barter between Arthur and Miralem Pjanic with the Juventus, and his movement follows generating debate. Although the operation benefits him to economic level -more in concept of traspaso that in the plot salarial-, there are too many doubts, that base in the risks that yes are evident in the sportive. The difference of age, almost 24 years of one and 30 of the another, is giving a lot that speak.

The decision of the sportive managers culés is obviously cortoplacista, but there are arguments that sustain it. The criticism insists in that this period has been designated like key by the renewal that needs the staff, with a vertebral column too veteran that it has to leave step to a relief generacional that, at the same time, confronts to the historical challenge to lead a winning project without the presence of Leo Messi.

In the current battle, this yes, the bosnio shows to be much more resistant that the Brazilian to the injuries, precisely a delicate chapter in the path of the Guild of Carry Cheerful and that has affected him in his consolidation in the City Condal. The time will say if the campaigns that both have signed carry them to the point of performance that his teams pretended, taking into account, besides, that the youngster will have more margin.

To date, the one of Goiania has lost 22 meetings in the two courses that has dressed of Barcelona. His muscular problems -and especially a pubalgia that cost him leave backwards- left him absent 46 days and 10 commitments in his first season in LaLiga, what in the second has increased until the 77 days of drop and 12 clashes in the terracing. In this period, has accumulated six goals and seven assistances.

In this section, Pjanic wins by goleada, since it has been absent in 19 parties... In the last ten years. Neither the Olympique of Lyon, neither the Rome neither the Juve have thrown him too much of less, that between other questions, has benefited of the absence of Bosnia-Herzegovina in big tournaments of selections, what has allowed him take care more and better. His accumulated of days of drop reaches the 117, something that hardly has reflected in his statistics. His average of apparitions by campaign fixed in 41,7, and has contributed 65 so many and 95 definite passes.

The discussion Arthur-Pjanic will turn off

The discussion Arthur-Pjanic will take in turning off , if it is that it does it, and will have to the two players long under the lupa. For the time being, the feel is that the Barça has played it to him with a dangerous exchange, since to the career of the Brazilian remains him the double or more than to the one of the bosnio. This yes, also are many those that consider that in these moments the Balkan is a more done footballer, by what at the end, as always, will be the football the one who finish putting to each one in his place.

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