Gerard Hammered regrets  of his injury of knee


BOMB: Gerard Piqué is seriously considering not having surgery

Published:25/11/2020 - 15:51h

Updated:25/11/2020 - 17:36h

Gerard Piqué has not yet decided whether or not he will have surgery for his knee injury. The central defender is thinking about it and will decide in the next few days, although it seems that right now he is inclined to follow a conservative treatment

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Gerard Hammered fell lesionado the past Saturday against the Athletic of Madrid. The central had the bad fortune that Ángel Correa fell just on of his knee, that remained very maltrecha. The '3' had to be substituted and went of the field with visible samples of pain and frustration. It gave the impression to be something grave and the medical proofs finished it confirming a day afterwards.

The examinations dictaminaron that has a sprain of degree 3 in the internal lateral ligament and partial injury of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee. This injury goes to have him separated several months of the terrains of game and could force him to go through the operating theatre. In case that it operate , could be 'KO' of 6 to 8 months, but if it attains esquivarla could go back in 4 or 5 roughly.

The player still has not decided what do and according to the newspaper 'Sport' still is it to him thinking. To have a point of view of an expert, the Barcelonan was to see this Wednesday to the doctor Ramón Cugat, that is the specialist of the Barça for this type of ailments. It was several hours with him, making more proofs, and understanding what can be the best for him, if a conservative treatment or the operation.

After the meeting, the defender follows meditando what walk to follow, but seems that right now it bends by not going through the operating theatre. Nevertheless, it does not go to take any decision in hot and will think it to him these days before taking a definite decision. Although all indicates that the prefers to not to operate, it is necessary to remember that several specialists consulted by the press ensured that, in principle, the most recommended is the intervention.

The operation could be the best solution

"We base us in the medical communiqué that has made public the Barcelona club, that desvela the existence of two injuries in the knee of Hammered. In a normal person could avoid the operating theatre, but in the case of a sportsman of elite the most advisable is to operate. If only it had the sprain of the ligament could opt by not to do it, but if besides the crusader is broken, it is necessary to operate. At least it is what I would do", ensured the doctor Ferran Abat, specialist in sportive traumatology and director of Resport Clínic does some days.

On the other hand, the doctor Cugat, the expert that is treating to Hammered, said for 'Sport' does one days that still did not have clear what proceed was the best. "Speak of terms is to play to the lottery. As I already have said, we have to be careful because each knee is different, a world. The first that we have to know is the affectation of the crusader and then decide if it is necessary to apply a surgical treatment or no", commented.

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