Arthur Melo, during a match against the Athletic Club


Case Arthur: Another bad management in Can Barça

Published:13/08/2020 - 17:25h

Updated:13/08/2020 - 19:24h

The 'Case Arthur' has been the last controversial that has lived the FC Barcelona this season 2019-20, and one of which has generated more debate between the fans

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Days complicated those that follow living in Camp Barça and that again do not have to see with the football. The management extradeportiva of the leaders of the club blaugrana keeps on being to do it look and the decisions that finish taking footballers like Arthur Melo also. To the margin that the player have a form to comport inadmissible and a percentage of responsibility very high in a situation enquistada completely, something occurs in the Barcelona so that the chewing gum pull so much. Because these things no longer surprise.

All this again motivated by a bad management of the club, that follows betting for squaring budgets and arrive to his economic aims through the sale of footballers that do not finish of cuajar. Anybody wanted to be the conejillo of Indians of the operation gone out that it approximated in the Barça and say that Arthur has been pushed to go out when the player neither posed it to him.

When it began to appear in the quinielas of a possible course, few believed it. "It surprised to see that the houses began to include to Arthur in his markets of traspaso of players for the next season. It was not something usual taking into account the little time that carried in the club", comments for this half Antonio Expensive, editor boss of the half skilled But like this it was.

Such is the misgovernment that there is in the cúpula and the fault of authority, that again the handle of this subject has been horripilante and has caused that Melo take the worst possible decision. Sold to the Juventus like part of the deal by the signature of Pjanic, the Brazilian has had clear that did not go to enfundar the T-shirt of the Barcelona neither a day more and that declared him to the club a war that already will see as it finishes.

Of little they served his good previous words to the start of the Champions. Only smoke. And neither it is that Quique Setién have been the pacificador that could expect . The santanderino launched a órdago to the player in the previous of a meeting in front of the Celtic that finished of dinamitar the situation. Reason did not be him to the Barcelona technician, but help neither helped when it did him play the minutes of the rubbish of a party in which the Barcelona left two very important points of face to the league.

From this moment, total disappearance of Arthur, hid between suplencias and injuries that for Setién were non-existent. In the last day of league in Vitoria, for the technician erased of that crash, in which by the way it will remember to the Brazilian by that yawn in half of the meeting. All bad. And the conversation postpartido between player and technician did not have to be too good because it did to lose to Melo the little respect that remained him by the Barça.

The past 27 July, Arthur did not present to the turn to the previous trainings to the start of the Champions neither happened his corresponding PCR. In fact, neither it moved of Brazil. No longer there was way to go back backwards and the lawyers of the player would be those that would take the word with the club from this moment. The talks finished with the directive opening a disciplinary file to the footballer and with the letrados demanding arrive to an agreement to terminate the agreement and that Arthur left to belong of official form to the entity.

The player finally yielded and went back, is section of the team without travelling to Lisbon, but now remains slope a meeting between the two parts to treat to arrive to an agreement. The dungeons of the Camp Nou again full, in case they were not it already.

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