Arthur Melo and Leo Messi, during the Barça-Juventus in the Camp Nou


Dard of Arthur against the Barça: "It doesn't surprise me that Messi want to leave..."

Published:12/12/2020 - 13:08h

Updated:12/12/2020 - 13:08h

Arthur Melo was in the match of the Juventus against the FC Barcelona (0-3) around the middle of this week, and now has conceded some statements in which comes back to think on his exit

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Hardly some days to having participated actively in the goleada of the Juventus to his ex team, the FC Barcelona, Arthur Melo has conceded a wide interview to the newspaper 'Mark' in which it has valued some appearances of his day in day out in the 'Vecchia Signora', the relation that has with Cristiano Ronaldo and the rest of mates and how gestó his exit of the Camp Nou, something that still hurts him.

The Brazilian midfield player tries to understand why forced him to do the cases, and ensures that it does not save grudge to the club in spite of having sense abused by the ancient managerial. Has good words for his ex mates, the fans culé and for Leo Messi with the one who carried of wonder. It does not surprise him, in fact, that the Argentinian want to do the cases after having it given everything in CanBarça .

"I do not know if they carried well, this always is subjective and sure that they think so. It is difficult to speak"

"With what has been Read for the Barcelona being his maximum idol, arriving from very jovencito, with his career, his path... It does not surprise me that it want to go out, but yes it surprises me the lack of respect that have had with Leo. Now if he wants to go out or is not his election", sustains Arthur, to the one who have asked after him the 'archienemigo' of Messi in the field futbolístico, Cristiano Ronaldo.

"It is a type fuckin' eh", loose the Brazilian on the luso, remembering the a lot of that is helping him to adapt to the Juventus. "Since I arrived it has helped me a lot, because we speak the same language. Always it is near and it helps me, for example, in things that have not understood. In the food also, until says me what have to eat. That if this would not have to eat, that that another would come me well. It concerns by the other, always tries to help and contribute something. I have had a lot of luck with Cristiano and with all the changing room, are very good people".

"It does not surprise me that Messi want to go out, but yes surprises me the lack of respect that have had with Leo"

Arthur Melo can boast to having shared changing room with Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar Jr, something that very few can say. Of all they, what more has amazed him is the winning mentality that have. "Well, the first is the talent, although this all the world knows that they have it. It is like this, they are the three footballers with greater talent with which shared changing room. But what have the three in his head is an incredible winning mentality".

"They fix an aim, work for this, think that can do it and leave the life in the field to achieve it. They do not content with little. Always they want to more. They put a goal and want to another; they put two and want to three; and afterwards the chamber... It impresses me because they never go down the level neither the concentration", aims the Brazilian midfield player, that expects to infect of his models to be followed.

Arthur, hurt with his exit of the Barça

And in relation to his exit of the Barça, follows something hurt with all what happened. "There was more noise of the that had liked me. Once that knew that it went me to leave, wanted to do the things well. The Barcelona had given me a lot. It was the club that opened me the doors of Europe, a dream that had from boy. A club with a big history and with a big history of Brazilian footballers", ensures Arthur.

But then it went practically section of the team, without playing neither a minute in the back parties. "I do not know if they carried well, this always is subjective and sure that they think so. It is difficult to speak. I have my version, my history and had liked me that something had been different, but the same for them all was as it had to be. And surely they will think that they had to do the things as they did them".

"But already it happened. Now I have arrived to a big club to find me with serious people in the direction that contribute me a lot of things", says the Brazilian. Past water and to another thing, butterfly. Arthur, already having changed of airs, expects to achieve the sportive glory in Turín. For the moment, the past Tuesday in the Camp Nou, already could saborear something.

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