Ferran Torres balón


Ferran Torres once again showed that he can be important at Barça

Published:5/01/2024 - 00:45h

Updated:5/01/2024 - 00:45h

The FC Barcelona did a big effort, and a big investment, by Ferran Torres and the Valencian, after some heights and basses, has given a new sample of his possible importance in the Barcelona project

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ferran Torres has been the first goleador of the 2024 for the FC Barcelona and besides has finished giving a definite hit so that the party of the Barcelona team in The Palms changed of direction. Like this, the Valencian annotated his fourth goal of the season in LaLiga and showed that it can be considered to be in the XI culé each week, even if this means to remove him minutes to the headlines of the line of attack.

Situated like left extreme in the 4-3-3 characteristic of the Barça, Ferran finished defining of big way to put the 1-1 in the marker. The forward controlled and shot almost in the same movement, avoiding like this a more important reaction of the guardameta of the Canarians and showing him to the fans and to the staff Barcelona that yes that they can include it in the group of important players of the project.

The numbers of Ferran have improved considerably

With his target in Big Canarian, the '7' of the FC Barcelona adds already 7 goals in 24 parties this course, after the three annotated in the Champions (Carry, Shakhtar and Amberes) and the four that carries in the League (Cádiz, Villarreal, Betis and The Palms). Although the numbers are clear that are not in a level superlative, yes that they are better that titled like Joao Félix and Raphinha, taking into account that many times it has been acting or has played as 'false 9', a role that is not so usual for him.

With the goal of this Thursday the Valencian equalises already the one who had the past season, in a total of 45 parties. Also those that annotated in the 26 clashes of the course 2021/22, when it landed in Barcelona in the market of winter, being surely the first big signing of the project of Xavi and making big showing in that second half of campaign.

Ferran, an increasingly mature player

When finalising the party, in which it was recognised like the MVP, Ferran took the time to attend to 'Movistar' and explained that "the most important is that we have taken out the three points. We have had the command but has been missing us the 'timing'", ensured the forward. Equally the footballer culé recalcó that "it was a day to attack the spaces, and for well or for badly think that have done it. Now to think already in the Glass of Rey", said Ferran.

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