Frenkie de Jong, during a match of FC Barcelona


Frenkie de Jong advanced to the Barça with a good finish to a big centre of Messi

Published:3/01/2021 - 21:41h

Updated:3/01/2021 - 22:08h

Frenkie de Jong was the author of the first goal of the match for the FC Barcelona against the Huesca, this Sunday in The Alcoraz. Leo Messi put a perfect centre for the arrival of the Dutch

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Dutch midfield player of the FC Barcelona, Frenkie of Jong, went the attendant to première the marker in front of the SD Huesca with a big target, thanks to a good centre of Leo Messi that saw to perfection his entrance from second line. Javi Galán did not arrive to time to defend the irruption of the Dutch, that put in the area with a big ease and finished of volley, accompanying the balloon at the end of the meshes.

After having marked three weeks ago against the Real Sociedad, Of Jong marked this Sunday his second goal in what it goes of season 2020-21, equalising of this way, in half season, the goals that had annotated in the previous campaign. With the arrival of Ronald Koeman to the bench, little by little Of Jong wants to follow recovering his best level, the one who lució with the Ajax and also in the selection of Holland.

Lately the Dutch midfield player is acting with more freedom in the centre of the field to the hour to advance lines, thing that allows him arrive with a greater frequency to the contrary area to filter passes to the interior of the same or colarse he same in her to finish from second line. Koeman Has insisted in that it wants that it was more important in attack, and Frenkie is answering.

The true is that, before Of Jong advanced to the culés in The Alcoraz, the FC Barcelona already had been exerting a significant command in the game and in the occasions of goal. Pedri González had tested it already in two occasions, that finished with a stop of Álvaro and a head butt that left high, in addition to a finish of Dembélé that was diverted to corner by the defence of the Huesca.

Absolute control of the Barça

The FC Barcelona controlled to perfection the party during all the first-half, and the goal of Frenkie of Jong allowed him go out with the same tone and a greater optimism in the second time, reflecting on the lawn the same guion that in the first part.

Good version of the Barça in Huesca, resembled the one who saw two weeks ago in Valladolid and much better that the one who showed the group of Ronald Koeman in front of the Eibar in the Camp Nou. If they go out enchufados, and independently of the tactical drawing that apply the trainer, the players blaugrana are able to bend to any rival. And to the current colista of LaLiga Santander 2020-21, even more...

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