Frenkie de Jong in Elche-Barcelona


Frenkie de Jong redeems himself: Barça labels him essential

Published:8/03/2022 - 19:01h

Updated:8/03/2022 - 19:01h

Frenkie de Jong is considered untouchable for the club and for Xavi. The Blaugrana coach does not want to part with the player and from Can Barça they do not consider doing business for the midfielder

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Frenkie de Jong, to the equal that the FC Barcelona​, has gone of less to more. The Dutch went through a bad series at the beginning of the season, where his low state of form did it white of a good part of the criticisms after each party contested. By moments, even spoke of his sale and of the interest of the big clubs of Europe by the midfield player. However, seem to have him given turn to the situation.

The ex of the Ajax has recovered the smile. In his last 3 parties has showed the well that it is. Against the Napoli, annotated a golazo. In front of the Athletic, gave an assistance going out of the bank. And in Elche, in spite of having failed two very clear occasions, the tulip showed participatory and played good minutes, although the level of the team was not the best.

Xavi Hernández has predilection by de Jong. In the previous of the party against the 'bilbaínos', declared: "Stand out his personality, is very autocrítico, very demanding with him same, whenever I ask him, says that it can play better. The other day it did a partidazo. Has capacity. We insist him that it step the area, has good kick, that was important. There have been moments of criticism, but is strong mentally", leaving clear what thinks on the midfield player.

The trainer of the blaugranas has been fundamental in the recovery of the player. Of doors inside tha worked individually with the Dutch. There have been sessions of videos in the dispatch of the trainer where has taught him, with graphic examples, how position and which movements do in each situation. "It is a very professional and demanding player, very critical achieve same. It is humble and this does him improve", recognises him the one of Terrassa.

It wants to remain in Barcelona

In spite of the rumours that have surrounded to the player regarding a possible exit, Frenkie has commissioned to make public his wish to dress the T-shirt blaugrana by a lot of years: "I Am very happy to be in the Barça. From small wanted to be here, by what have done reality my dream. But it would like me have won more titles in these two years. It expected more in this sense. But I am very happy here and want to remain me a lot of years", ensured. This clear that, by more than exist a lot of uncertainty around the footballer, east is fundamental for Xavi and the Barça.

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