Gerard Hammered after the encontronazo with Iraizoz that Bobalán no pitó like penalti

It criticised the performance of Borbalán

Gerard Hammered burst against the referees after the Athletic-Barça

Published:6/01/2017 - 01:09h

Updated:6/01/2017 - 10:25h

Already we know how it works this", began saying Gerard Hammered of semblante serious after the referee's theft in front of the Athletic Club. The central of the FC Barcelona did not show at all satisfied the party of Fernández Borbalán in Saint Mamés

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The central of the FC Barcelona Gerard Hammered mounted in cholera after the controversial referee's performance of Fernández Borbalán after the two to one of the Athletic Club on the FC Barcelona. Since never calla the things, the defender showed in front of the press the indignation that players and fans culé suffer after the party in The Cathedral.

"I think that it is a penalti clear (the one of Neymar), think that also the played mine with the goalkeeper is another penalti, but well, already know how works this", began saying Hammered. The defender spoke of the two clear penaltis that Borbalán ate in the first time.

I hammered it agreed also of the "theft" to the Seville this Wednesday by part of the Real Madrid and asked better performances by part of the referees. "We want to play to football and no to the roulette, that is what causes the arbitration. Already we saw the Madrid-Seville. I expect that they go up his level", added.

Flame to the best Camp Nou to happen to eighth

Finally, the canterano called to the fans to fill the Camp Nou and create the best of the environments for next Wednesday in the turn of eighth. "The result is a result that leaves the eliminatory very open and will see. I expect that it was the Camp Nou of the big occasions, although they are some eighth of Glass, but this year go back to try win it all and to thus we go", concluded.

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