Álex Collado in training with FC Barcelona


Collado confirms that Xavi has made it clear that he has him at Barça

Published:26/05/2022 - 00:39h

Updated:26/05/2022 - 00:39h

Álex Collado will return to FC Barcelona in July after a season on loan at Granada. The man from Sabadell spoke with 'Jijantes FC' about his plans for 2022-23 and made it clear that his priority is to earn a place in Xavi Hernández's team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has several players yielded that they will have to return to the club in July. One of them is Álex Hill, midfield player yielded in January to the Granada by a year. After the descent of the group 'nazarí'. The one of Sabadell prepares to take some brief holidays before putting to the orders of Xavi Hernández, since the míster has communicated him that has he for the pre-season.

In a brief interview with the channel of Twitch 'Jijantes FC', the player of 23 years manifested his wish for going back to the club. "The míster has said me that went back and am very happy by his words", said Hill, the one who in the 2021-22 contested a total of 17 parties (1.023 minutes) with the Granada, adding 2 goals and 1 assistance in LaLiga. The midfield player was important piece so much for Robert Moreno as for Aitor Karanka, being headline in the majority of parties that contested,

However, the one of Sabadell left of the New the Cármenes with a bitter flavour after the descent of the Granada. Hill was headline and contested 84 minutes in the tie 0-0 of the Sunday in front of the Espanyol that sentenced to the ones of Karanka to Second and, in fact, annotated the last goal of the club in LaLiga (victory 1-0 in front of the Athletic). These presentations no only have done that Xavi take him in account for the summer, but they also have arrived offers by his pass to the offices of the Barça.

With a value of market of 3 million euros in Transfermarkt and agreement with the group blaugrana until June of 2023, the midfield player has a clause of rescission of 100 'kilos' established after expanding his agreement in March of 2021. The past season, Álex played 22 parties with the filial (8 goals and 3 assistances), but Ronald Koeman did not take him into account to the beginning of the 2021-22.

The Eintracht asks after Hill

As it advanced 'Sportive World', the Eintracht Frankfurt, flamante champion of the Europe League, would be one of the clubs that already has asked to the managerial culé by the one of Sabadell. In three seasons with the Barça B, Hill became captain after contesting 83 parties in which it added 18 goals. Other clubs of Italy and Germany already have sondeado his case, but everything will depend of the performance that exhibit in the pre-season. If it attains to convince to Xavi, the player of 23 years will be a good variant in the medullary, since it can play like pivote, stick or extreme by right.

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