Zlatan Ibrahimovic, during a commitment with the AC Milan


Ibrahimovic and his characteristic 'humility': "I'm still number one"

Published:9/02/2023 - 19:41h

Updated:9/02/2023 - 19:41h

Almost a year off the pitch for Zlatan Ibrahimovic but his self-confidence has not diminished one iota. This is made clear by the Swede in his most recent interview

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Almost 10 months afterwards Zlatan Ibrahimovic could go back to step a field of game to contest an official party. The Swedish player has been of drop from the past month of May recovering of a grave injury in the sinew of aquiles whereby had to go through the operating theatre, although he same ensures that it will go back as if this time had not happened.

"Have many win to go back, want to do a lot of things, all what have lost me in the last months", stood out to 'Sport Mediaset' after doing official the announcement of the 'rossoneri' for the party against the Torino of this Friday. The forward can surpass the record to be the player of greater age in annotating a so much in the Italian league, at present in power of Alessandro Costacurta and this does him that it do not lose his accustomed personality.

"I keep on being God; the number 1: now I go back and the music will change". The Nordic attacker confirms that it has not lost at all of what has characterised it during his career and shows that it is with more strength that never to help to the Milan to go out of a sportive crisis that has planted him in the last month to 18 points of the leader, the Naples, sacking like this to be able to keep his title like champion of the Series To.

Out of the list for the eighth of final of the Champions League in front of the Tottenham, Zlatan also pursues to go in in the top 20 of the goleadores historical of the Italian football. The Swedish right now adds 155 so many, distributed between Juventus, Inter and Milan. With three more would surpass to another big rossonero, the ex leading Filippo Inzaghi, the one who finish his career with 157.

It will try to add all what can

On his absence after more than nine months, commented that "I am one of many in this team". "I have not been available during long and this has been disappointing because when you are player, always want to help so much inside as out of the field", explained the forward that with 41 years still has the illusion to renew by another season more.

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