Clément Lenglet in the party in front of the Cádiz


Koeman 'charges' Lenglet against Elche after his mistake against Cádiz

Published:24/02/2021 - 18:44h

Updated:24/02/2021 - 20:49h

Ronald Koeman did not hesitate and against Elche he had Samuel Umtiti as Piqué's partner in the center of defense. The Dutchman preferred 'Big Sam' than Clément Lenglet, whom he 'punished' after his unforgivable mistake against Cádiz

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It says that a player what more needs in his lower hours is that his trainer follow trusting he. Precisely by this surprised so much the absence of Clément Lenglet in the eleven of Ronald Koeman against the Elche. The Dutch technician, in place to show him his faith to the central, decided 'punish him' and bet by Samuel Umtiti​ like couple of Gerard Hammered in the centre of the defence.

A change that many expected because of the bajísimo level to the that is the Frenchman, but that does not leave to surprise after the words of the preparador of Zaandam in press conference. "I have spoken with Lenglet this morning. It is a serious and very good player professional that has taken it to him very personally. As I have said previously, it is not guilty an alone player for losing points, there are more things", commented the míster.

For the ex seleccionador of Holland, although the one of Beauvais failed committing the absurd penalti in front of the Cádiz, the tie did not go only blames his. "Claro that there is a played where could be better, and other errors in defence also cost points. But also we committed a lot of errors in attack and with 2-0 a played in the last minute is not so decisive and does not cost points. It is necessary to analyse, but does not be necessary to assume that all the problem is his", affirmed.

After these statements going out in defence of Lenglet, gave the impression that Koeman went to have he for the duel against the ilicitanos. However, the trainer barcelonista 'loaded' to the footballer without thinking it twice and left him in the bench to give entrance to 'Big Sam'. A touch of very clear attention for a defender that is doing without place to doubts his worst campaign since it arrived to the City Condal.

The one of the Cádiz alone was one more than the extensive list of failures that has committed the ex of the Seville this course. After doing a grandísimo first year to the orders of Ernesto Valverde, his performance has gone going to less paulatinamente. The season happened already went down his level, although it has not been until this when this bajón has gone back alarming. In these moments, gives the impression that play with him is to do it with a bomb of watchmaking that can burst anytime.

Araújo Could remove them the place so much to Lenglet as to Umtiti

In a moment very delicate of the campaign, having to win yes or yes against the Elche, Koeman did not want to risk to that Lenglet go back to do of his. Nevertheless, Umtiti neither is an alarde of defensive security, by what the technician played it to him in any case. It will be necessary to see what occurs in the following meetings of the Barça, since with the presumable turn of Ronald Araújo, that is near to recover of his injury, the two French could become acting usual.

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