Jules Koundé, 60 millones de euros


Koundé 'surrenders' in praise of Xavi and claims to be 'hungry' for titles

Published:15/02/2023 - 07:55h

Updated:15/02/2023 - 13:09h

The Barça defender, Jules Koundé, has offered a few words in an interview in which he assures that he plays on the wing "for the team" but with full confidence in Xavi Hernández's approach

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jules Koundé, defender of the FC Barcelona and of the French selection, has appeared in front of the microphones of 'TV3' in a previous interview to the clash of this Thursday in front of the Manchester United. In her, the Frenchman spoke of his new function like right side, of the good moment of the team, of his mates and of his confidence in the management of Xavi Hernández.

It began standing out that although it has worked like right side during almost all the campaign, the true is that it feels much more comfortable inside the central pair. "All the world knows my preferences. I am adapting Me To this position. Now it touches me play of side, but do it by the team. There is split in which I enjoy more and others in which I do it less", affirmed.

Also it left clear the good moment of the team and the importance of the defensive solidity. "By the experience that have, think that is 'súperimportante' leave the goal to zero. In a so long competition like the League, gives you the life. Like defence, always have this in my head. And the team also. Every time presionamos more and more up", aimed Koundé.

Near to finalise, 'surrendered' in praises to the trainer and in his capacity to carry to the group by the footpath of the success. "It transmits many win to the footballers. It is the leader of the team. Each day raises with hunger, with this ambition to play better and to win, win and win. It sees in each moment, in the talks, in the trainings", sentenced the French.

The aims of the plantel

Finally, it spoke of the ambition that has the team of face to what subtracts of the course. "We are a young group with hunger of titles and win to show, to step forward. The last years have not been easy for the Barça. All take it into account. We have to put to the club the further up possible", concluded.

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