Leo Messi, directing to the position of the corner


CRACK: Messi was about to to mark an olympic goal!

Published:14/01/2017 - 22:03h

Updated:14/01/2017 - 23:11h

Leo Messi no only marked against the UD The Palms this Saturday, breaking the "maleficio" that had with the insular group, but besides it was ready also to transform an olympic goal. The shot finish crashing in the stick

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Leo Messi went back to sign a stellar performance this Saturday with the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona, in this occasion in front of the UD The Palms, team to the that in addition to marking was about to to lumber with an olympic goal, of have not been because the shot from the corner of the Argentinian finish crashing in the stick and going out rebounded to the field.

The case is that to "The Flea" no finish him the tricks, and is able to surprise to all the fans in any party, in occasions improvising and in others having already very meditado previously what goes to do. The past Wednesday against the Athletic, without going more far, transformed a goal of direct fault deceiving entirely to the goalkeeper Gorka Iraizoz, when shooting to the stick that defended and take it to contrapié.

Also it has surprised Leo Messi in other occasions, as when the past season he and Luis Suárez were protagonists of a penalti indirect against the Celtic of Vigo, something that has not made in too many occasions along the times.

Messi, the permanent innovation in the fúbol

The question is that Messi wanted to innovar also in front of the UD ThePalms , but in this occasion the stick crossed in his way. It ran the minute 67 and the marker was favourable by 4-0 for the culés when the "10" tried it, but finally the played no surtió effect.

In any case, the user "@ElPenalti2015" has hanged in the last hours, through the social networks, the sequence from the terracings of the Camp Nou in which it can see to Leo Messi launching the corner in front of the admiration of the fans:

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