Messi warms with PSG


Messi's environment sets its position after his brother's words about Barça

Published:8/02/2023 - 21:45h

Updated:8/02/2023 - 21:45h

From Paris they were met with some surprising statements from Leo Messi's brother. Given this, the environment of the former FC Barcelona player has wanted to step out and set his position

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona still has the possibility to have the return of Leo Messi next summer, at least while it do not announce of official way his renewal with the PSG, the nearest possibility by the moment. In the Camp Nou are expecting to see as it carries the season the Argentinian, although his brother Matías put a clear position and 'rajó' of the Barcelona club.

In front of this the own surroundings of the footballer, as it informs 'Sport', has explained that "the opinion of Matías is individual" and "does not have because coincide with the one of Leo neither with the one of other members of his family or of his surroundings". Messi found concentrated to confront to the Olympique of Marseilles in the moment that went out the statements of his brother in a 'stream' of Twitch.

Although this was not the opinion of Leo, what yes remains reflected, is that the exit of the Barça was painful and the wound remained very deep between all those that lived it. Matías, from the channel of his son, exlicó that if some day went back, would be causing a "good cleaning beginning by the president Joan Laporta", to the one who accused of not valuing to the '10' of the selection of Argentina.

The brother of the champion of the world in Qatar wanted to add that they expected a greater reaction by part of the the followers of the club against of the Managerial Board, which had allowed that his exit turned into a reality. "The people (in Barcelona) no it bancó. The people had to have gone out to do a course or something, that go Laporta and remain Messi. The Spaniards are treacherous. I explain them to him because I want that it go out of the guts of us and do not listen things that are not".

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