Leo Messi, with the Balloon of Gold 2015

They discover the key of Leo

"Leo Messi has incorporated him to his genialidad knowledge"

Published:27/07/2016 - 10:15h

Updated:27/07/2016 - 10:15h

Descifrar To the best player of the world is not an easy task but all a theorist of the football as it is Ángel Cappa gives with several keys to the hour to understand to Leo Messi and why is more complete that Cristiano Ronaldo

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In an interview conceded to "goal.com", the Argentinian trainer and theorist of the football Ángel Cappa spoke on the difference between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo and treated to give with the keys that do to the rosarino the best of the world and, possibly, the best footballer of the history. And, in spite of what a lot of say, no all has to see with his genialidad. Also it was critic with the Argentinian fans.

"It seems me correct the reasoning of the people: in a so big mediocrity, the one who leftover is Messi. How we go to object to Messi. Still without shining in Argentina, because it is difficult to shine in this context, Messi is determinant for the selection. Without Messi, probably, had not happened the first round of the World-wide of Brazil. Without Messi, perhaps had not arrived to the final of these two Glass America", affirmed Cappa asked after the renunciation of Leo to the albiceleste.

"It has grown a lot like player, has left to be only a goleador"

Later it happened to treat of descifrar the football of the player of the Barça, by difficult that seem. "Messi is a genius. But to his genialidad has incorporated him things of the game, knowledge. It has grown a lot of like player. It has left to be only a goleador, as it is Christian Ronaldo", commented.

"Messi has a wider development in the field, no only the goal. Ronaldo has twenty better players that he in the history of the Real Madrid, same Zidane was better, but is the best goleador that saw here. It does goals anyway", concluded the Argentinian to give with the difference between one and another.

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