Mateu Lahoz shows a yellow card to Messi after his celebration


INDIGNANT: The sanction to Leo Messi for dedicating his goal to Maradona

Published:2/12/2020 - 16:08h

Updated:2/12/2020 - 17:57h

The Committee of Competition has decided to not to withdraw him the yellow to Leo Messi, in addition to fining him. Something that no sucedió in previous occasions, with other protagonists

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does a week, died owing to an unemployed cardiorrespiratoria and to the age of 60 years Diego Armando Maradona, one of the best players of the history of the football. Of course, they were a lot of those that surrendered tribute to the 'lint' of several forms, seeing minutes of silence in great quantity of parties and even celebrations of goals for homenajear to the Argentinian myth.

During the FC Barcelona-Osasuna, Leo Messi also wanted to surrender him tribute. It received a balloon in three chambers of field, threw the diagonal and, when it was in the frontal of the area, crossed the balloon to command it to the square of the goal defended by Herrera. Later, it celebrated the goal beside his mates and, before going to the central circle, removed the Barcelona T-shirt to show that, below, carried one of Newell's OldBoys .

Of course, the collegiate Mateu Lahoz had to apply the regulation and show him a yellow cardboard to Leo Messi due to the fact that all action to remove the T-shirt in the celebration of a goal is punished. However, it treated of a special case as it is it the death of a so important figure in the football, by what the FC Barcelona presented a writing asking the withdrawal of the punishment when being some so atypical circumstances.

However, the Committee of Competition has done case omiso to the resource of the club culé and has decided not withdrawing the yellow cardboard to Leo Messi, imposing him to him the minimum fine of 600 euros and another of 180 to the FC Barcelona. According to the informations published by 'Sportive World', the Catalan entity will send a resource to the Committee of Appeal to treat that it withdraw the punishment.

What really unworthy of the decision with Leo Messi​ -that already accumulates three yellow in the championship- is the offend comparative of the Committee of Competition, that in other similar cases himself withdrew cautions. Seasons backwards, yes understood the context of a lifting of T-shirt to finish withdrawing sanctions, but no sucederá like this with the Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona.

Said examples can be Sergio Bouquets in 2007, that removed the T-shirt in homage to the died Antonio Door; Cristiano Ronaldo (2010) that showed a message solidario with his Madeira natal by big floods; José Alley (2010) when remembering to Dani Jarque; or Andreas Pereira (2016) remembering the accident of aeroplane of the Chapecoense. It will be necessary to see if it prospers the new resource of the FC Barcelona.

The Camp Nou remembered to Maradona


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