Leo Messi and Ivan Rakitic in the Barça-Sevilla


Rakitic, on Messi: "He is different and you have to take care of him in a special way"

Published:3/11/2020 - 10:48h

Updated:3/11/2020 - 10:48h

Ivan Rakitic spoke about Leo Messi, who is being the protagonist these days because of Quique Setién's words against him. The Croatian explained what he thinks about Rosario's and made it clear that he is a special player in every way

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Quique Setién loaded against Leo Messi does some days and since the Argentinian is more in the sight that never. There are players that are not easy to manage. Between them Leo, is truth. You see things that do not expect you. But who am I to change him? If there they have accepted him during years as it is and have not changed him...", it affirmed the ex trainer of the FC Barcelona on the rosarino.

These words have given the turn to the world and have arrived to the hearings of all. Ivan Rakitic​, ex player of the group barcelonista, has decided to throw him a hand to his ex mate in an interview to 'Muchodeporte'. The Balkan left clear that there are distinct players to which it is necessary to treat of a special form, and that the '10' is one of them by his "capacity to mark the differences".

"The players of this level are distinct to all and the other footballers have to take care it of a very special way by his capacity to mark the differences", ensured the now midfield player of the Seville. Nevertheless, in spite of everything, the Croat recognised that it always had a good relation with him. In fact, according to account in this interview, the forward was one of the first in tending him the hand when it arrived in 2014.

"The truth is that I always have carried me of wonder with him. It was of the first in asking me if it needed something when it arrive to the Barça", stood out. Both always had a cordial relation and although the own Rakitic confirmed that they were not intimate, always got along. The reality is that Leo, say what say Setién, has had a friendly relation with the big majority of his mates since it arrived to the first team culé.

Rakitic Spoke of his new role in the Seville

Changing of subject, the mediocampista of the group hispalense spoke also of his complicated adaptation to the Seville. "Each team plays to his way and each trainer is different. To the equal that changed several things when it arrive of to Barcelona from Seville, now have to it do here. It does lacking time, is normal, but have the confidence of all and already find me a lot of better since I arrived, but remains me a lot of for improving in my game", said.

The Balkan is not surrendering as it expected in the Pizjuán and there is who thinks that it would have to play something more advanced to take advantage of his good shot and his arrival from backwards. He admits that everything will depend on Julen Lopetegui and that will play where say him. "In the half is of what have played the last years in the Barcelona, but goes to be decision of the míster, I am loved with the technical body and my mates, what was better for the team will be the best for me", concluded.

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