Messi in a match with Argentina


Rummenigge 'gets wet' with the debate between Messi and Maradona

Published:22/02/2023 - 12:39h

Updated:22/02/2023 - 12:39h

Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has once again given his opinion on Lionel Messi. On this occasion, the German maintains that Diego Armando Maradona has been superior given the conditions in which he used to play in his time

Calendar of FC Barcelona

So much inside as out of Argentina, the debate on who has been the best player in the history of this nation, Lionel Messi or Diego Armando Maradona, has been present. Recently, the exjugador and current president honorífico of the Bayern of Munich, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, has heaved his voice in the middle of this discussion that has won something more than intensity after the seven winning times of the Balloon of Gold consecrated in Qatar 2022.

In his statements for the 'Ran dello Sport', the ancient forward has finished decanting by the champion of the world in 1986, matizando that this was used to to compete in conditions more hostile to the moment to jump to the field, in a very distinct football to the of today to level of game and permissiveness in some infringements: "Between Maradona and Messi choose to Diego. Always it was vapuleado by his rivals. Leo is protected by rules and referees".

The germano had the opportunity to be part of the 'Mannschaft' that contested that final in the Aztec Stadium, in which they would finish falling by 3-2 in front of the 'Albiceleste'. During the best moment of his career, Maradona was used to to be one of the main 'white' of his rivals, that did not leave to happen an opportunity to smash into he to detain him. But his character aguerrido in the field finished imposing hierarchy.

Comparison with Lewandowski

Previously, Rummenigge has given his assessments on the showed by Lionel Messi in the field, usually in a critical sense, not signalling personally to the Argentinian star but to the current conditions of the football in comparison with the period in which the otrora attacker lived his career like active footballer. Even in a moment it arrived to consider that Robert Lewandowski (still player of the Bayern for then) was upper.

Later, it would indicate that in the case of Messi was precise to resort to some tactics to detain him on the field: "it Is a player that has something that do not have probably any another footballer in the planet, that can decide a party he only, without help of anybody. To Messi it is necessary to watch it of an incredible form and treat to remove him the joy when it plays, since it amuses and only like this can him try brake, if you achieve to remove him a bit of entertainment, then yes can have some opportunity".

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