Messi in a party with Argentina in the World-wide


Sampaoli Pronounces on the situation of Messi with Argentina: "Leo suffers a lot"

Published:24/04/2019 - 21:52h

Updated:24/04/2019 - 21:52h

Leo Messi has showed in infinity of occasions with the Barça that it is one of the best of the history, but with his selection is not comfortable. Sampaoli, ex seleccionador Argentinian, spoke of Leo more personal to explain how feels when it plays with his country

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Leo Messi is an idol in the FC Barcelona from practically the day in which it debuted. The Argentinian is the greater legend of the history of the Barça and there is not an alone culé able to criticise to the '10'. The forward of Rosario has made history in the Camp Nou and has been the leader of the best Barcelona of the history. It has won two tripletes, has marked almost 600 goals and has left infinity of played for the memory.

His impact is such that in the world of the football until the fans to the football that are not culés recognise that it is one of the best players of the history, by not saying the best. But in Argentina, his country of origin, Read never has finished to win the affection of the people. Has so many admirers like detractores and this is something that pursues him from does a lot of years.

A person that knows well to Messi and his situation in the combined albiceleste is Jorge Sampaoli, ex seleccionador of Argentina and current trainer of the Saints. The ex of the Seville spoke of all this in a press conference that gave in Brazil the past Tuesday. Sampaoli Referred to how seat him to Messi the criticisms and what says on him in his earth.

"Messi is a boy that suffers a lot and, further of his capacities, is a human being. To the Argentinian fan costs him enjoy of him like player as it does it the Spanish with the Barcelona. It can not try gambetear because immediately they boo it", explained to put an example of the deal that receives the '10' in his country.

Sampaoli Centred his criticism in the Argentinian fan. The trainer of the Saints did not doubt in rajar on how live the football in his country, to the that compared with Venezuela. "The inflates wants to decide what played has to do the footballer or which moment choose for a played, and the player wants to enjoy the game. Nowadays, Argentina is to the same level that Venezuela", affirmed categorically.

Messi wants to win the Glass America

It seems that the only way in which I Read will be able to convince to all the Argentinians so that they treat him like the legend that is is winning an important title. Therefore, the one of Rosario wants to heave the Glass America of this summer in Brazil. The '10' will go to by all and will try to be the leader of the combined of Lionel Scaloni. It will not have it easy seeing the level of his mates in the friendly, but will put everything of his part to attain it.

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