Xavi and Leo Messi pose with a trophy


Xavi, happy for Leo Messi and his records in Barça

Published:15/03/2021 - 15:28h

Updated:15/03/2021 - 15:28h

Lionel Messi will turn into brief in the player with more parties in the FC Barcelona, surpassing to Xavi Hernández, the one who has pronounced in this regard

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Leo Messi no for to break records and registers in the FC Barcelona. With the parties in front of the Huesca and Real Sociedad will turn into the player that more times has dressed the elastic Barcelona, surpassing to Xavi Hernández, the one who withdrew of the club with a total of 767 parties contested in all the competitions.

In this sense, in addition to being the maximum artilleryman, asistidor or player with more victories, 'The Flea' will break one of the last marks that is missing him like player of the Barça. His contribution, translated in goals and creation of played, has been vital so that the blaugrana accumulate an important quantity of titles from his debut, in 2004.

In front of this, Xavi Hernández has not avoided to pronounce and has showed extremely thrilled by the new milestone of his fellow. In an interview from Doha, Catar, with 'Sportive World', the ex player blaugrana has said that "it had to be Leo" and that "it is of justice that the best player of the history was the one who more times has defended the T-shirt of the Barça" by what "is an honour that the best player of the world and for me of the history was the one who surpass me".

Leo Messi and Xavi Hernández were two of the big protagonists of the generation of gold of the Barça that achieved the 'sextete' of titles in the season 2008-2009 and later of which won the triplete, for the second time, in the campaign 2014-2015, course in which Xavi sacked of the club of his life.

"It has been a pleasure see him play and have been able to share changing room and so many things with Leo"

By this reason, to Xavi thrills him even more that 'The Flea' follow harvesting successes and signing new registers. For him "it has been a pleasure see him play and have been able to share changing room and so many things with Leo" and that has been "an honour and a wonder that was Read the one who surpass my record of parties played, because besides I have a relation of become friends with he", highlighted.

"Messi is insuperable"

The trainer of the To the Sadd has referred to the competitive mentality and winner of the captain blaugrana, to the one who considers that anybody will attain to surpass in the history. Xavi thinks that the big number of parties, goals, assistances, titles or victories is because "I Read is like this, is insuperable, can not compete with him because it always wins", stood out to 'MD'.

Finally, the one of Terrassa has affirmed that "it saw come" that the Argentinian went him to surpass also in this register. "If it did not go of the Barça was clear that would add a lot of more split and still is young to follow playing, remains him a lot of football, by what can play still a lot of parties more", sentenced.

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