Memphis Depay, during a warming with the Barça


Memphis confesses: titles with Barça, Bayern, Koeman...

Published:18/09/2021 - 19:30h

Updated:18/09/2021 - 22:36h

The Barça forward, Memphis Depay, has granted an interview to the Asian media in which he reviewed the news of the Barça club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Memphis Depay Is being one of the most stood out players of the FC Barcelona in this start of the season. Further of the goleada in front of the Bayern, the Dutch has showed very participatory in the start of his career like Barcelona player and his two goals and an assistance in four parties are the proof of this.

Nevertheless, sabe that the club is living a moment complicated and that the feelings that have the fans are very agridulces, put the performance of the team is not being optimum. In an appointment with the médios of Asian communication, the forward of 27 years has reviewed all the actuality of the Barcelona, commanding besides a message for the optmismo.

Of his start like culé, has commented that "have begun well, but have to give continuity to the good game. However, still I have not arrived to my best level. I seat me well, in shape, to follow improving. I want to follow contributing goals and assistances".

It does not forget , however, of the hard defeat in front of the Bayern of Munich the past Tuesday in the debut in the Champions League: "Obviously that the result against the Bayern was disappointing. We have to learn of the defeat and have to row all in the same direction for revertir the situation. But I create firmly that will find the way to struggle by all the titles; we are the Barça and want to help to the club to revertir this situation complicated".

"The young players are prepared to take advantage of the opportunities"

Likewise it stood out that it does not be necessary to give by defeated because they remain "a lot of parties by in front", underlining that the youngest players of the staff "are prepared to take advantage of the opportunities. Have a lot of quality and, besides, are training very strong to improve. And the most important is that they enjoy in each party".

It showed , in any case, optimistic with the future and is convinced that the Barça can litigate by the titles. If it achieves it, it will look for 'space' for tatuarse his attainments with the Barcelona picture: "The tattoos are part of my body, of my life and of my image. We will struggle by LaLiga and by the Champions, and if we attain it, will see if I find some space for tatuarme the titles; it would be beautiful".

His relation with Ronald Koeman

The Dutch also was questioned by his relation with the trainer of the Barça, the one who was key so that he arrived to the Camp Nou. Ronad Koeman Insisted in the signing of his compatriot from his day one in the City Condal and fulfilled his 'dream' a year afterwards, reason by which Memphis is very appreciated with the technician and has defended it.

"It knows me very well because we coincide with the Selection. We know the difficult situation in which we are and go to work hard. The technical team is prepared to extract the best of us. Koeman espara A lot of me and all in the changing room respect him", stood out.

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