Arthur and Miralem Pjanic in matches of Barça and Juventus in the Champions League


The mess that could cause the Champions with Barça, Juventus, Arthur and Pjanic

Published:29/06/2020 - 19:10h

Updated:29/06/2020 - 19:10h

Barça and Juventus have already confirmed that there will be a trade in summer between Arthur and Miralem Pjanic. The Champions League could cause a mess if it brings together catalans and italians in the race for the title

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They have happened some months since they initiated the rumours, but already is official that Arthur will leave to the Juventus and Miralem Pjanic will arrive to the FC Barcelona. In spite of that the one of Goiania did not want to abandon the City Condal, the pressures have carried him to take advantage of the opportunity that offer him in Turín, where will remain with an interesting talent for developing in return to deliver to a footballer experienced and contrasted.

The barter has generated an animated debate between the culés, that consider that his club comes off badly in this agreement. Although it is true that the ex of the Guild of Carry cheerful still has not exploded completely, also is it that it is near to fulfil 24 years, whereas the ex of the Olympique of Lyon recently that fulfilled 30. The wage of the Brazilian, besides, is more modest, whereas the bosnio will earn a millonada.

Between the doubts that remain them to the Barcelona is the possible clash in the Champions League, that could be a wrap tremendo for the entities and for the players. If in the final stages there is a crossing between Catalans and piamonteses there will be morbo addition, since the cracks would have to defend to the team that will pay them to the end of the season 2019-20 and treat to demolish to the that in some months will guide them in the battle by the titles. In fact, in the announcements specifies that the change will produce when finishing the competitions of the current course.

Further of the whims of the destination that could concretise in the draw, it is necessary to take into account that both applicants have to close his eliminatory of eighth. By a part, the square barcelonista started a 1-1 of Saint Paolo that it has to finish in a Camp Nou in which it will lose some advantage, since it still would have to play without public. The 'vecchia signora' does not have it much better, since it fit a 1-0 in Lyon.

Cristiano Ronaldo could advise them to both in case that it produce the meeting, since many ensure that the Portuguese already had decided to go to the Juventus when it left it out of Europe in the tournament 2017-18. The one of Madeira annotated two goals in the 0-3 that the whites carried of Italy, and also commissioned to convert the penalti that resolved the crash with a controversial 1-3 in Santiago Bernabéu.

Arthur and Pjanic want to sack winning

Before putting the five senses in the Champions League, Arthur and Pjanic will treat to sack winning his respective leagues. The midfield player of the Barça does not have it at all easy in LaLiga because it sees to the Real Madrid with two points of advantage and the 'goal average' to his favour, whereas the one of the Juve yes has it of face because the 'bianconeri' dominate the Series To with four points of margin on the Lazio.

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