Ansu Fati, enjoying while he plays a match with the Barça


New date for the turn of Ansu Fati with the Barça

Published:13/03/2021 - 16:47h

Updated:13/03/2021 - 20:14h

Ansu Fati, the leading youngster star of the FC Barcelona, evolves of correct way of his injury but still is not touching balloon, as it informs Sportive World

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It was on 9 November when Ansu Fati subjected to an operation by a break of the internal meniscus of the left knee, which suffered during the commitment by LaLiga in front of the Betis, contested some days before said medical intervention. The diagnostic in that moment was of some four months of drop, but in the time that has passed and after some review, decided ralentizar the process of recovery.

Official sources of the surroundings of the FC Barcelona and of the own player, explain that the evolution has been satisfactory but slow, and that his return that had been foreseen for finals of March had to be postergado by a bit more, until gone in the month of April. Even, as it has informed Sportive World, the leading youngster has not gone in in the phase to touch balloon, what could concern even more to the barcelonismo.

Meanwhile, the club does not have haste and neither wants to run any risk with the young promise of the Barcelona institution. Ansu Fati Will return to the trainings and will confront the requirement of the competition when they are given all the guarantees so that it jump once again to the field, and can like this deploy the game accustomed of satisfactory way, so that it do not prejudice his recovery.

Ansu Is optimistic and already begins to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Especially now that the team is going in in the decisive phase of the championship. Undoubtedly it had been of his like to arrive to time for the eliminatory of Champions League in front of Paris Saint-Germain, but darse that this was utopian. Now, it subtracts to work to be able to defend from principles of April the Barcelona T-shirt.

Case Ronald Araujo

The Barça does not want to run risks with Ansu Fati, the idea that suceda what occurred with Ronald Araujo terrifies to the club. Araujo Was low by injury from the past month of February, went in to his process of recovery, and jumped again to the field in the corresponding party to LaLiga in front of the Seville in the Sánchez Pizjuán on 27 February. The defence ingresó to the minute 60 like spare of Gerard Hammered, did not take neither 15 in field when it asked change. The Uruguayan recayó in his injury, and diagnosed him three weeks ofdrop . The same could not occur with the jewel of the club, is menester that fulfil of suitable way his process so that it return with everything to deploy the same level to the that accustomed to all.

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