I hammered it answered


New message of Gerard Hammered answering to the criticisms

Published:15/02/2019 - 09:03h

Updated:15/02/2019 - 09:03h

Gerard Hammered has received critical during the last months by the event of tennis that his company, Kosmos, organises. The defence of the FC Barcelona answered to the tennists that have criticised him by the new format of the Glass Davis

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Gerard Hammered is one of the best defences of the planet, in addition to being one of the fundamental players in the FC Barcelona. In spite of playing to the football and practise it from small, always has felt a special devotion by the tennis, that is another sport that loves him, although it decanted for being footballer because "it gave him better".

It is thus that decided to invest in the tennis like employer, through the company of which is partner and founder, Kosmos. It does months, presented a project in which it would form a new competition of tennis to adapt the format of the Glass Davis and now already is a reality. The problem is that, in spite of that has had a lot of acceptance, also has received critical of some professional tennists.

In statements to Mark, Gerard Hammered has ensured that it has not been easy to carry the considerations of some tennists. "It has been the hardest part, do not go you to deceive. There have been diverse opinions on the new format of competition and all respectable. There are tennists to which likes them, others to which no. Our aim is that in November all go out perfect and was a big party of the tennis", commented.

For the Catalan defence, is a big motivation have been able to carry out his project, that pretends that it was an event of reference in the world of the tennis. "Perhaps there are people that do not understand how a footballer like me can interest in the tennis and see me like an odd; I am only a big interested that it wants to set up an incredible event", manifested.

Also it answered to the criticisms of some tennists, as the ones of the veteran Lleyton Hewitt: "I Respect his opinion because it is an incredible tennist -still plays double, no?, recalca-. Only I have to say him that Kosmos is not only his president but we are a team". Also it spoke on Novak Djokovic. "Have a good relation with him", said, ensuring that "like president of the Association of Players of the ATP moved me a series of interests and were conversing".

The project of Hammered, valid from summer

The past 16 August produced the votes of the International Federation of Tennis (ITF) on the project presented by Kosmos, consistent in changing the format of the Glass Davis -the annual tournament that confronts to the tennists by countries- by a world-wide tournament more attractive. By the means, the competition has baptised as 'Davis of Hammered', something that the own footballer has refused. Nevertheless, the event paints very attractive.

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