There is not anybody better that Neymar Júnior to happen it in big in distinguished days. The cracks of the FC Barcelona went back to give a lesson of how has to give a party of Nochevieja like the starred by him to sack 2016 and give entrance to an ilusionante 2017.

In a series of videos gone up to the social network Instagram can see like the attacker happened it to him of confident form beside friends, familiar and to his ex girlfriend Bruna Marquezine. "MD" speech that both could have gone back to restart his relation and the true is that it saw them very happy together.

Everything in a party of end of year celebrated in his mansion, in the paradisiaca Angra two Reis, in the Green Coast of Rio de Janeiro. There it put an end to his holidays navideñas before putting course to Can Barça. 

The Monday two January Neymar goes back "to the hack"

After happening the afternoon enjoying of the sea in a ship with usual friends like the professional player of volleyball Bruno Rezende, the artist David Brazil, the singer Thiago Barbosa and Gilmar, one of the 'toiss' that always accompany him, the genius of Sao Paolo finished "it" with the mentioned party. The best way to prepare for his turn to the work this Monday two January in the afternoon. A session that, by the way, will witness cientos of boys since it is in open for all the world.